mercredi 19 novembre 2014

Giving A Clothing Donation Is Priceless

By Ida Dorsey

Cleaning out one's closet from time to time is a good idea. You could get rid of clothes you do not want as well ad household goods like kitchen utensils. Appliances like washers and dryers are also good to get rid of. Giving a clothing donation is a great way to help those in need. You can also get rid of the clutter in your house or apartment.

The basic needs of human life are food, clothing, and shelter. You may be able to help those that need those things. Do what you can to help. The economy may not be good or some people just lost their job. Different agencies are always looking for donors. Give yourself the good feeling of knowing that you helped someone. You will enjoy having this feeling.

Charities in your local area may bee really grateful for your help. You will be surprised to know how many people they deal with on a daily basis that are in need of help. Look in your local phone book to see which places may appreciate your items being dropped off. This may help you look at your life and be grateful for the blessings that you have.

Read blogs and reviews about what people have experienced. Others can give you some ideas of what is available by talking about what their experiences have been. This is a great resource for those that do not have anyone immediately in their life to direct them.

Your taxes may also be affected if you give your things away. Tell the person who usually does your taxes that you made a donation. They are trained to know what to do. You may get more back on your return. It always pays to ask how it will affect your return than to assume. Ask them a lot of questions so you are not in the dark about anything.

It is a good idea to get a receipt from the organization that you give your donation to. This piece of paper will help the expert calculate the numbers they need to in order to process your taxes. Try to formulate a system of organization so you do not lose any paperwork that you need.

Ask your family and friends if they know of charities in their area where they give items they do not need anymore. You probably have someone in your life who can direct you somewhere in this regard. They may know or they may know of someone else who knows of a good place to give your things to.

An inventory is a good thing to do so you know what you have in your household. You probably have many things that you do not need. This can be really helpful when deciding whether or not to get rid of certain things. Make a list of what you have and then decide if you need them or not. It may surprise you to know what you have. You may have more or less than you thought you had.

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