vendredi 15 juillet 2016

Learning About Eviction In Chicago

By Frank Graham

Fortunately the world is a big and strange place where anything can happen at anytime during the year. Many residents living within Illinois have heard about various types of eviction in Chicago. This famous city has seen a good amount of human beings moving out onto the street after they were thrown out of their houses or apartments.

It is always tragic when human beings have no close relatives to share their problems and achievements with. A certain individual named Susan was in this particular situation since all of her family members were either dead or locked up within a jail cell. Luckily she had a nice strong male for a husband and he always made sure that she was taken care of in every possible manner.

Sometimes this dynamic duo would get drunk every other weekend and then their behavior towards each other would severely change. Her dear devoted spouse was named Pete and he was indeed a big man who enjoyed having his liquor and share of women who were within the world.

Pete would call his wife all types of nasty names while he was intoxicated but he still really loved this woman. She would then go into the bedroom and grab her faithful gun which always sat on a chair near the bed. Unfortunately she enjoyed shooting at her husband and all the neighbors could hear their antics.

She would aim the gun at Pete's head but would miss each and every time the bullets came out of this particular device. Fortunately Susan had never taken target practice and her aim was not that great. Once the police arrived on the scene the couple would be back to normal and they never tried to have each other arrested. For twenty years this had been the normal behavior for this couple.

Towards the end of one week Pete was determined to get rid of the grass which was growing rapidly in his yard. He hated looking at this green problem which seemed to get longer each and every day. Fortunately he managed to do a good job within the yard and it would have cost him a fortune to hire people to do this task.

Susan was busy within her lovely kitchen making all types of pies and cakes while her husband was taking care of their fine yard. Suddenly she could no longer hear his laughing and singing and thought that something was terribly wrong. Her instincts were correct since she found her lover flat on the ground after she ran outdoors. He was truly dead and there was nothing else that Susan could do for him.

As soon as Pete's body was placed into the cold hard ground his ex-wife managed to make a grand appearance. She wanted Susan to leave the house immediately since it did not belong to Pete. Susan realized that she could not stay within this place any longer and she left the city forever.

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