dimanche 3 juillet 2016

Little Known About Clothing Donation PA

By Jeffrey Taylor

God loves a cheerful giver, so goes the biblical illusion which elaborates the importance of helping those who are in need. We live in a world whereby we are separated by social status, we have the more privileged and the less privileged who require to pass through a lot of struggle to get their basic needs that is food, clothing and shelter. Those who are privileged should show love by donating to the poor and most donations should be foods and clothing donation PA.

Organizations have cropped up in order to make sure that there are correct avenues where these donations take place. They open stations to collect these items and later take them to those who require them urgently. These people can either be flood victims, refugees, fire victims and so on; however, when giving out to the poor, one should be careful not to inherit a curse from The Most High.

Its a new world that we live in these days whereby people do change their characters when riches come upon their lives. Many do forget that they come to this world with nothing and will die with nothing. When giving out to the poor, some do give clothes that are of low quality including dirty and worn out clothes and this is a mistake that should not be done.

There are dos and donts that should be considered when giving out these clothes. Looking at the donts, clothes that are stained, tattered and dirty should not be given to the community. There is no need of giving out garments that are not good just because their quality is spoilt by being tattered, one should think about the welfare of the receivers and respect their needs by giving out well maintained clothes.

Looking deeper into the dirty garments we find that germs love those things that usually are dirty hence they are more likely to be on the garments. Ailments like skin diseases and others that are caused by skin contact are more likely to pounce on people who wear these clothes. Misfortunes are inherited rather than blessings when the garments make those who wear them sick.

Worn out clothes bring diseases since garments protect one from cold which bring about ailments. Pneumonia is one of the ailments that can be caused by exposing the body to cold and it can even cause death hence tattered garments exposes these individual to other risks that they are to help prevent. Wearing clothes that are not worn out can prevent these cases.

People who should be careful when giving a helping hand since some organizations do take advantage of the given items. The organizations do sell these clothes to third world countries instead of donating them to the less fortunate. These organizations are owned by greedy individuals who are heartless and they do not want to help the less fortunate in the hour of need.

The best way is taking the garments to children homes and other institutions that do take care of the less since they are reputable. It is my hope that people will change their selfish nature and start helping each other. Blessed is the hand that gives.

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