lundi 7 décembre 2015

Defining Christian Social Justice Blog

By Marci Nielsen

The message of Christ as captured in the gospel emphasizes a great deal on social justice. This means that a Christian social justice blog must remain faithful to the message of Christ despite addressing contemporary issues. The perspective adopted by such blogs should resonate with what Christ would advocate for were he to be living in the present day. This fidelity to Christianity must be maintained throughout.

Christianity is subject to multiple interpretations with these perspectives being skewed to communicate personal messages. A blogger is required to remain faithful to the message as Christ would have delivered it. The blogger must make an interpretation that accords relevance to a message that was communicated centuries ago. This ensures that the gospel remains alive to-date.

The issues handled on a blog are also used to accord identity to the platform. Societal justice issues that capture the attention of bloggers include environmental degradation and conservation, health, education and war. Christians are involved in advocacy to ensure that all humanity achieves equality in resource allocation and distribution.

As the society advances, some of the issues being encountered by people around the world were not directly captured in the bible. Technology has intervened and despite making life easier for humanity, it has been misused time and again for ulterior gains. The aim of Christian bloggers is to highlight areas where technology is being misused and areas where it could be put to better use.

Some blogs are identified by the people and organizations determining their content. Religious groups and leaders are taking to the internet to attract the attention of a young population that remains internet savvy. The issues raised on such platforms are close to the minds of the young people. Professionals use such platforms to assist the young generation in identifying with the Christian perspective.

It is impossible to mention social justice without focusing on politics. Leaders have a significant influence on policies that affect the daily lives of millions of citizens. As such, religious leaders and organizations endeavor to ensure that these leaders make responsible decisions. They use the forums to scrutinize policies to ascertain that they do not benefit a few at the expense of the majority.

As the society changes, traditional Christian values are put under pressure. For instance, lobby groups are pushing for recognition of homosexuals and gays as legally married. Such a subject is divisive and has split the church and religious groups. Blogs are a perfect platform to express opinion and capture the views of a majority of people. The opinion of church leaders is also spread very fast through blogging.

Christians around the world have used blogs to highlight the great works being carried out by leaders, groups and individuals. Most of this work is in areas that have been ravaged by wars and natural disasters. While in these areas, they help to push for social justices course and use blogs to gain global support. Blogs are credible based on the person running the platform or the institution behind it.

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