samedi 16 janvier 2016

Alarming Issues That Surround Sex Trafficking

By Jan S. Travis

Technically, sex trafficking is the coercion or forcing of individuals, mostly girls and women into prostitution. It is a worsening problem of global proportions and it has plagued humanity for a long time. It is constantly evading the law, and it has raised a great concern among organizations for humanitarian causes such as Justice61. This criminal act has many faces, but coercion and intimidation are its most favorite methods of bringing victims into its lair.

Sex trafficking can appear in many forms and disguises. It can even mask itself as an act of goodwill. Some of its strategies for luring women and girls include offering a job in the entertainment industry, showing benevolence and concern for the family of its target victim, and even offering the potential victim and her family shelter and providing them with their needs. But all these are lies because the trafficker counts every expense he makes for the victim and her family, and buries them in indebtedness. This debt becomes so huge and trafficker collects payment by forcing the victim into prostitution. This is a very disgusting fact but it does happen on a daily basis. We should do something to help stop human trafficking to put an end to the misery of the victims.

Nowadays, the victims of sex trafficking syndicates are getting younger. They even use children in the prostitution and pornography business. These syndicates including child trafficking organizations in Colorado are suspected to be the operators of juvenile prostitution in the locality. Human rights advocates in the region are doing everything within their means to bring the culprits to justice. But since these criminals are very elusive, it takes the help and participation of good men to have criminals identified, apprehended and eventually punished.

This criminal act uses force, threats, violence, lies and money to compel girls and women to engage in commercial or forced sexual acts. There are also times that a sex trafficker gets romantically involved with his potential victim then manipulates her into prostitution later on. A trafficker can also lure a potential victim with false promises of a modeling, acting or dancing job. Other girls are forced into prostitution by their parents or other members of their family. Sex trafficking is a plague. The human trafficking charities Colorado residents have established are actively doing something to stop this problem in their locality.

A majority of the patrons of sex trafficking syndicates want young girls. This is the very reason why its perpetrators prefer to victimize teenage girls. Those who run away from their homes and those who are addicted to drugs are their most gullible targets. To a sex trafficker, it wouldn't matter whether a girl is black, white, brown or yellow as long as she's young. There's always someone who's willing to take her for sex. This scenario is alarming all sectors of society including the some churches. Even youth organizations such as the Colorado volunteers for teens have a deep concern for this problem.

The number of sex trafficking victims is increasing every day. But only a few of them are brave enough to call for help. It takes a proactive move from the government, human rights organizations and people like you to be able to discover those who had fallen prey to this inhuman business. In order to make this happen, funds are necessary. For this reason, the human rights groups that fight sex trafficking are soliciting funds. If you have a heart and compassion about the plight of sex trafficking victims, you can share a part of your extra resources to Donate Organization Colorado or any other organization with similar advocacies.

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