vendredi 1 août 2014

Using Waterproof Outdoor TV Covers

By Annabelle Holman

The traditional or rather naive belief of watching the television exclusively indoors is a thing of the past, television sets are now watched out in the patios and from the word circulating, it is quite an experience. They offer a chance to an individual to catch up on latest news and movie shows while taking in the breeze or just sunshine out in the open. Water unfortunately is one of the hazards that the television set is at risk of getting affected by and that why waterproof outdoor TV covers have been devised to overcome the problem.

These water resistant TV enclosures have been made with a sole purpose of ensuring that water does not make it way to the essential parts of the set disrupting its functionality. Water can enter the set in different ways and in different places and that is why the covers are made in various modes to cover this spectrum. Among the way water may enter include, jets, drops or just leakages.

Enclosure cover designs that target water coming in the form of jets are made of strong and harder materials like plastic and metals- ductile metals- which of course keep the water off. Plastics unlike metals withstand the jets and can last for long periods since they do not react with the water or any elements in the surrounding.

Sensitivity and size are among the key factors that distinguish television sets, plasmas top the list on sensitivity which means their cover designs have to be air tight to ensure that not even a drop enters the television set. The earlier makes are more accommodating.

There are special enclosures that cover the internal devices which gives them the name, internal LCD TV cover designs. They are specifically made to withstand any force that the water tries to enter the set since they are the last option when the external covers fail to deliver. Some are even laced with some ointment that repels of water.

In the past, many have had to use plastic bags to curb this problem but the fruits have been futile since the problem is far more complicated. By being duct taped to the television set the marks that are left as a result are hard to scrub off and also the scratch marks too. Wind is known to blow them off every now and then which only make them less and less reliable.

Just as televisions keep changing every now and then, the cover designs too are made to cope up with the change. Every type of television will undoubtedly have a perfectly fitting cover out in the market thus there would be absolutely no reason to leave the set to the mercies of nature.

Less costly choices are also available in the market but they have proven to cost even more when used overtime, the normal cover designs cover a wider spectrum in protecting the television. In addition to the local stores the internet can offer some interesting options.

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