samedi 13 septembre 2014

How Los Angeles Metalizing Is Done

By Mattie MacDonald

Matalizing is a wide term that encompasses all processes that involve application of metal material on non-metallic surfaces. Von Liebig, a german is responsible for making the discovery in the year 1835. History records that the first items to be produced using metalization were mirrors. Actually, Liebig made the discovery while trying to coat a glass surface with aluminum metal. In Los Angeles metalizing industry is a major job creator with far reaching applications.

The process is carried out in a vacuum chamber to avoid adding impurities into the metal coating. The system used for the process is made of many parts including spray torch, feeder, media supply, robot, power supply, and the control console. A single system may have several control consoles depending on its level of sophistication and size. Consoles sometimes come separately although they are integrated into the system in most cases.

The metal that forms the coat on objects is melted by the spray gun. Some metals have very high boiling and melting points hence the spray torch must reach those temperatures for the metals to vaporize. Temperatures are controlled using the control consoles. After melting the coating material, the gun accelerates them to the object to be deposited. Temperature of the spray torch is raised through resistance and plasma heating among other techniques.

Media supply serves the task of supplying the fuel used by the system to produce flames for heating the torch. This feature lacks in some models or it comes as an integral component. The wire, liquid, or powder that is coated on substrates is supplied by the feeder. It supplies the material directly to the gun for melting. Normally feeders have components that terminate on the exterior of the equipment for ease of access by the person operating the machine.

Torches and substrates are manipulated by a circuitry referred to as a robot. Efficiency can only be achieved if the substrate is repeatedly turned to expose all parts to the coat. The angle of the torch might also need to be adjusted during the process. Power supplies are normally standalone units that provide power for heating the torch.

The process starts by introducing the already prepared substrate into the chamber and powering it on. The feeder is then loaded with the metal wire, which is then melted down into a molten form. Once the wire has melted completely, it is heated further until it turns into fumes. The fumes escape into the air and settle on the substrate. Substrates are normally placed below the torch for the fumes to settle on.

Thickness of coatings is varied using the consoles. Generally, the thickness of the coatings grow as more fumes settle on a substrate. This implies that allowing more time for deposition forms thicker coats. Uniformly spread coatings are formed after the fumes settle and cool down.

This process finds application in many fields. Mainly, it is used in the production of coatings on structural materials. Such coatings are used as thermal barriers against high temperatures in various applications. Other main uses include protection against wear and tear, erosion, and corrosion. The aesthetic property of substrates is also improved a lot.

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