dimanche 20 octobre 2013

How Much Would You Like To Know About The Best Eye Cream

By Shaine Hintsa

There might be hundreds to choose from, all offering similar results. But common sense tells you they can't all deliver. In fact, only a few might deliver on the promises they make.

How can you find the right cream for you, the one that will work and do what you need it to do? You must follow a certain path to find information, examine that information and then use it to your advantage. How to find the best eye cream? Just follow these steps here.

First and foremost, decide what problems need to be fixed by the eye cream you intend to purchase. There are different products out there which are meant to deal with different skin issues.

No matter what kind of skin care product you are looking for it's important to know what its ingredients are. Eye cream ingredients are especially important to research as the skin surrounding the eyes is very thin and susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals additives and artificial fragrances. Always research an eye gel's ingredients as much as you can and if one of the eye creams that you're considering is made with things like Potassium Hydroxide or Parabens, avoid them at all costs. Potassium Hydroxide is found in almost every skin care product on the market and is extremely corrosive and is also a staple ingredient in brake fluid, antifreeze, and engine degreasers.

Parabens are preservatives that have been linked to reproductive system damage in males and cancer in women. Both of these ingredients are known skin irritants and are used simply because they are cheap. So do your research, it could save your sight.

Baggy eye is another situation you will have to deal with. Unlike puffy eyes, they occur when there are fat deposits around the eye area. The fat layer drops forwards making your eyes appear baggy in appearance.

Asking a dermatologist questions about the ingredients; if they've heard of the company who makes the eye treatment and whether or not they would recommend you use it are obviously all important things you should know. Just make sure that whoever you consult that they don't try and sell or prescribe you a product or procedure that's harmful or super expensive.

Make sure that when you read a review, that review is also accompanied by a picture of the person giving the review. Before and after pictures are ideal; look carefully at the pictures and makes sure that you see a real difference in the eye area between the "before" and the "after" pictures.

A good eye cream review site should contain unbiased reviews on several products comparing and contrasting the positives and negatives of each cream. There should be testimonials including side effects, pros and cons and whether or not they would recommend the product to anyone else.

Beware of any eye cream review sites that have heavy sales pitches, or reviews on only two or three creams. Chances are that it's a review site made up of ad copywriters hired by the company to make their product sound like it's the best thing ever.

Eye Cream Ingredients

Pay attention to the ingredients in the product you are considering. Does the product contain a lot of filler or does it have some quality ingredients in it? Particularly, look for a cream that has antioxidants in the mix. These creams might contain Vitamins C, E, A or even K; this addition helps the skin protect itself from the forces that seek to destroy it and make it age faster. It's like a protective layer on your skin that keeps it healthy and smooth.

Talk to a dermatologist about recommending the best eye gel for you or read eye cream reviews that are consumer driven for unbiased opinions and reviews on the most popular eye gels.

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