mercredi 23 octobre 2013

Past Life Can Interfere With Present Times

By Elena McDowell

Sometimes a past life can prove to be very complicated for many individuals who live within this world. Some human beings know this planet is very strange and anything is possible. Even though reincarnation has been around since the beginning of time but many people are still skeptical about this process.

Any human being will tell someone that nobody would like their soul to wind up in an animal's body. If a person were to come back as a cat or dog they would not be too happy about this at all. It would even be worse if they were to come back as someone who molested children or killed other people.

Doctors who deal with the human mind have had countless conversations with individuals who claim to be reincarnations. The psychiatrists take this opportunity to place a person in a hypnotic state in order to get the answers that they desperately need. Sometimes people will have lived multiple lives throughout the ages and these personalities will come out. Many people from India believe in reincarnation.

Many individuals insist that they were the former King or Queen of England when they are placed into a hypnotic trance. Doctors often find that humans suffer from a term called "delusions of grandeur" in which they want to be more than they actually are. Every human being would like to think that life in general centers around them and no one else.

A young man who lived within the United States claimed that he had been another person many years ago. He informed his parents that he was once married to a woman who lived in France and they had five children together. This youngster also claimed that he had been murdered by his best friend who was never caught for the crime. The parents were very skeptical of this young lad's story and they advised him to keep silent about the entire situation.

Weeks went by and the young tyke was still talking about living in another reality with a different family. His father decided to take him to see a very special psychiatrist who dealt with this type of issue. This kind physician showed compassion for the young man and counseled him well. He decided to place him under hypnosis after a few sessions.

Great details were given about the boys former existence and the people that he was involved with. After this evidence was presented to his parents they decided to visit this special place in France. They would locate the dead man's family and find out the truth about certain events. Eventually this would help the man's soul find some type of rest.

Their son's past life had indeed happened since all of the information that he had given was correct. After the boy's parents confronted the French woman and her children they were finally at peace. They eventually let their son meet the family and talk to everyone within this household. This brought him some sort of closure. Much to their dismay the man's murder was never solved but in time his soul had finally accepted his new body.

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