jeudi 31 octobre 2013

Mercury Retrograde Causes Relationship Communication Issues

By Lou Raedwulfe

Welcome to Mercury the Messenger's backward transit through the heavens as it jolts us all especially in the communications department. Yes, it is Mercury retrograde. There are some things you can do to minimize its impact and being forewarned is forearmed. Things will begin to go smoother during the first week of Sept.

Mercury retrogrades are dreaded for the problems they cause in our personal relationships, as well as those we have at work. The problems we encounter as we go through them are known for their capacity to disrupt and delay travel plans and can play havoc with all electronic gadgets from computers to tablets and beyond.

These past couple of weeks have been a good example of Mercury's impact on communication as the Congress tried to work on our country's national financial problems. I suspect they will be revisiting this issue again before the year is over. The signing of any legal documents during a Mercury Retrograde will most certainly cause issues in the not-so-distant future.

Mercury retrogrades give us a front row seat as a witness to some very disturbing communications among our personal relationships. At a deeper and more personal level, we can expect things to go awry and have communication breakdowns during this time as well. They are usually short lived without lasting effects unless the relationship is on its last legs and then breakups can occur.

Mercury going backwards for several weeks can cause transportation problems, especially, short-distance travel. If you have already made plans to travel in the Fall, just be sure to check them over and make sure to re-check them before you actually leave.

If love is clearly shared between you and your partner, you may wonder how you suddenly got into an argument. Where did this come from? How did we get here? You can blame Mercury when this happens. A normally solid relationship can survive this time period as long as you make a mental note that 'this, too, shall pass', because it will.

Remember that communicating with electronic devices, such as texts, emails, twittering and Facebook type sites can really go haywire. Really stop to think what it is you wish to communicate, so that other people do not take your words the wrong way. This is very typical during this time period.

Most professional advisors are aware of when this happens three or four times a year and can help you through these types of issues. If the topic you want to discuss just can't wait, then, be aware of the words you use, whether typed or spoken and make sure the person receiving them has understood your true intentions.

5 things to remember to keep on track in your relationships during retrogrades:

1. Discuss problems in person instead of using texting/email

2. Take a step back during misunderstandings

3. Think before you speak as reality can be distorted

4. Dot your t's and cross your i's when using electronic devices and emails

5. Remember that emotions run much higher during this time

Mercury will begin its forward journey in early Fall, so, try to remain calm and resolve important things after this time period when you will be back to 'normal'. Take a deep breath and wait for when things will be much calmer after Mercury retrograde.

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