mardi 29 octobre 2013

Love And Forever.

By Gwendolyn Simonsen

Love stories touch the heart. Some make us laugh and some make us cry. And whether we are blissfully happy with the one we love or we're still looking for our second half, a great love story will tug on the heart strings. Here are a few of the all-time greats and a couple you may have overlooked.

'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte is among the oldest of the "heart-wrenching, love can turn a good man evil" tales. Set in 1802 on the Wuthering Heights estate, the story is of timeless love. Heathcliff, the leading man becomes best friends with his adopted sister, Catherine, who, of course is also the love of his life. But, their romance is scuttled by a casual comment.

'Anna Karenina' is often at the top of author's lists. The Tolstoy novel is essentially a literary soap opera. Seated atop Russian aristocracy, Anna is a married woman when she visits her brother Stiva in Moscow where she falls in love with Count Vronsky.

Anna fights her desires only to succumb and leave her husband. But he will not grant her a divorce and she spends her life trying to gain acceptance of her love affair. Ultimately, this proves too much for her.

Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' is the classic tale of star-crossed lovers if there ever was such a thing. The story of two young loves desperate for each other but unable to be together because of family feuds and, dare I saw, family dysfunction. I'm sure many teenagers can relate. A tragic ending is inevitable as it's all in the timing when it comes to matters of the heart.

One of the few literary novels that has made the best seller lists in the past ten years, Charles Frazier's 'Cold Mountain' can be interpreted as a retelling of 'Romeo and Juliet.' It too is a story of true love, but the lovers must forever be apart. It ends tragically too.

An intrepid novel 'Some Glad Morning' by Gary C. Horton is now climbing the bestseller lists across the country. A great love story by any measure, the plot has similarities to 'Cold Mountain.' The lovers are separated by a vast difference in their social status and wealth The protagonist must first make his mark before he can court the lady.

Elizabeth is a Charleston lady and Ransom a poor sharecropper. Unlike 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'Cold Mountain,' 'Some Glad Morning' turns the tale on its head and ends with a mesmerizing scene that will not be easily forgotten.

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