mardi 27 août 2013

Attracting Girls: The Myth

By J. Ryu

You're in a bar / nightclub/ book store/ cafe/ knitting class, when you spot a cutie on the other side of the room. You would give anything to be able to go up to her to start a conversation and prove how charming and funny you are. If she glances at you and makes eye contact, you look down, shuffle your feet, the run away to the bathroom.

You go home, yet alone and lonely, and the could haves, would haves, and should haves are playing over and over in your dejected brain. You are feeling depressed, rejected, horny, small and a big wimp.

Cold approaching and the related approach anxiety is the biggest barrier men have when trying to pick up women. How do you approach women? How do you go up to a woman and start talking to her? How do you stop her on the street? How do get up the courage to go up to a gorgeous woman?

Regardless of what the relationship experts or the pickup artists are pitching, there is no "magic" formula or super secret technique that lets a man go from zero to hero by reading an ebook or watching a video.

There is no "magic" pheromone cologne, there is no magic subliminal body language technique, there is no arcane, secret Don Juan magic. Anybody who claim this is full of BS and any man who believes this is beyond help.

But don't despair, there be hope! Although there is no voodoo magic, there exists systematic techniques that can take you from lonely to getting as many women as you want. But this takes practice, hard work, commitment, and self improvement.

Approaching and picking up a woman is a skill, and like any other skill, it can be learned, practiced, and eventually mastered. Your level of mastery will obviously depend of such factors as natural talent, level of desire, how hard you work, and your level of commitment.

Although there are many relationship experts, how-to gurus and pickup artist systems on this subject, there is an underlying theme and structure that is universal across the many different systems.

This isn't a big secret or some mystical technique, but a concept that applies not only women but relationships and life in general. These are: confidence, common sense, mindset, self improvement, and body language.

This is so obvious to the point of being general knowledge. However, what separates the zeros from the heroes is the practice, hard work, and the effort put into developing this skill set. The Heroes actually took the time and energy to learn and apply this skill while the lonely zeros wait around for some alien to give them a magic ring.

Being a badass that knows how to approach women and attracting anyone that he desires is a journey, a journey of self improvement of body and mind. Like any relevant skill, there is no shortcuts, the journey is hard, but the rewards are great.

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