mardi 27 août 2013

The History Of Joshua As Given In The Bible

By Debra Cooley

The History of Joshua as given in the bible is significant to the life of the Jews. He was a slave borne in Egypt. He was the son of Nun. During this time, the Jews were subjected to suffering in Egypt and God had a plan to rescue them from the sufferings. During this time, Mosses was the one leading the Jews and God used to speak to the Jew through Mosses.

After his birth, something strange happened which depicted him as a true man of God. Moses changed his name from Hosea to Joshua which means the Lord is Salvation. Among the Jews of that generation, only Caleb and him had a strong belief in God. They are the only ones who believed that God would rescuer them from the hands of the Egyptians and take them to the Promised Land.

The other person who is significant in this history, is Caleb who was the son of Jephunneh. Him together with Caleb are the only people among the Israelites then, who believed that through the help of God, they were able to conquer Canaan. As a result of the unfaithfulness of the other Jews, God sent them to the wilderness to wonder for 40 years. During the forty years in the wilderness, all those who did not believe in God died and only him and Caleb endured to the end. This was because of their faithfulness to God.

After coming from the wilderness, Mosses died and therefore the obedience and faithfulness of Joshua to God saw him become the new leader of Israelites who would take them to the Promised Land. After taking the leadership, he continued to consult with God in every moves and undertakings in leading the Israelites. Just like Mosses, he was able to perform several miracles which made the Jews to believe in him that he was God sent. The prominent miracle he performed was when he was leading the soldiers to go and conquer the city of Jericho.

At this time, Jericho was wicked and all strange people were being killed. While in the city of Jericho, Rehab helped them with shelter and food. Rehab also helped them to hide without being noticed that they were present. They then promised to save Rehab as a way of showing gratitude to her.

When they went to Jericho, a prostitute by the name Rehab sheltered them and also helped them to escape before they could be killed. They promised to rescue Rehab and to protect her together with her family before invading Jericho. This was because of the help Rehab extended to them.

The army was then able to cross the river without any interference. This miracle was a manifestation of the power of God. At the city of Jericho, the soldiers went round the city six rounds for six days as instructed by God.

On the seventh day before invading, the soldiers then went round seven rounds. After the seventh day, they shouted and the wall came down allowing the soldier to invade the city. The soldiers then killed everybody in the city except Rehab and his family as Joshua had promised her. This is the history of Joshua as given in the bible.

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