jeudi 29 août 2013

What Probably Could Have Happened During The 18 Missing Years Of Jesus Christ

By Amanda Baird

The peace-loving and holy prophet which was named Jesus Christ by his followers which later became the Christian religion and Esa Ruhullah by the followers of Islam is highly esteemed by both. The lessons that he gave brought about a new wave of enlightenment across the world. Although his miraculous birth and childhood has been transcribed, information on the 18 missing years of Jesus Christ between 12 and 30 years are very sparse to non-existent.

The holy prophet was aware of his mission before he reached his teens. An incident occurred during his 12th year where he went missing for a few days in Jerusalem after spending Easter in the city. His mother found him in the temple conversing with the most learned scholars of the city.

As he was a very responsible child and already proclaimed his work as a teacher following Almighty God's orders, they were not surprised at all. The mystery unravels when scriptures confirming the presence and teachings of a person which they named Saint Issa in the Indian province of Kashmir. The Saint appeared to have had a momentous impact on the people of the place and was recorded as 'holy and pure of spirit'.

The fact was also mentioned that he condemned the idols and statues that was being worshiped by the people of the country and taught them instead about the one and only True God. The Holy Prophet remained in the east for a long time and then moved on to Persia. There are quite a few people of note that has confirmed this fact about Jesus' travels in the East during his adolescent and early adulthood.

A man that has become world renowned for his psychic abilities is an American called Edgar Cayce. His claim to fame was the detailed prescriptions and medical treatments that he gave to sick patients with the uncanny amount of accuracy and precision. All this was done during a state of hypnosis which he himself induced. Besides giving out medical cures, he also talked widely on religion, prophets and all other worldly matters.

Lovingly called 'the sleeping prophet' he went on to help thousands of people across America and elsewhere. These readings as it was called was written down and stored for further references as everyone was aware of the important information they contained. The reading about the prophet in Kashmir was not much in detail but enough to suggest that he was indeed there for a while.

Edgar Cayce revealed that Jesus was encouraged by a woman of the Essenene tribe to become acquainted with the spiritual teachings of the East, in particular that of the Buddhist religion. He was accepted and instructed by prominent Brahman saints and of course earned great respect in view of his own development and knowledge. Before he reached his thirtieth year he went back to Israel to teach the Gospel.

As Edgar Cayce was and still is a well-known figure of integrity it is difficult not to believe this reading. The 18 missing years of Jesus Christ cannot be physically proven, but whereabouts of the prophet during those times are becoming increasingly acceptable that they were spent traveling and learning. A fact that also substantiates this is the lack of information recorded about the prophet during that time of his life.

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