mercredi 9 octobre 2013

Learn The Benefits Of Couples Counseling Portland Services

By Rhea Solomon

It is the desire of every person to have a successful and a happy marriage. However, living peacefully in a marriage requires commitment and hard work. This is because; you cannot succeed in a marriage unless there is mutual understanding between spouses. Sadly, most people are not able to understand their spouses. This has greatly contributed to the rising number of divorce in the world. Actually, research has shown that the number of spouses divorcing is high than the number of people marrying. Divorce is not always the best option. Before you go for this option, consider attending couples counseling Portland for counsel.

Cases of spouses breaking their promises to one another are common. While coming together as a couple, people are in a great love. They do things carefully to avoid hurting one another. However, as time goes by the spouses change their altitude towards one another. They start doing things that hurt one another. No wader you find that the wounds that these people inflict in one another heart leads to divorce.

If spouses were keen in preserving their love, unfaithfulness would be history. You may be surprised that some people use unfaithfulness as a tool to hurt their spouses. They prefer having another affair to prove something to their spouses. This is an indication of a dying love. You cannot understand why, people who made promises to one another turn around to inflict wound on one another heart. A counselor would help the spouses resolve their disagreements amicably.

In most cases, spouses do not start by fighting. They start by little misunderstandings that make them exchange words. If they are not keen on the word, they say to one another, they end up hurting one another. If this happens, the spouses may go physical and start fighting. This is very dangerous, as some spouses have lost their lives to such fights. Do not wait until things get worse seek fort guidance from a counselor.

If spouses cannot agree on matters of finances, they will have a problem meeting their needs. Since needs are usually more than the ability to provide for such needs, spouses need to understand how they can use the money they have, to meet the most basic and urgent needs. However, this is not easy. Some spouses also tend to hide some money without their spouses knowledge.

It is important for spouses to embrace proper communication between them. This is because; it only through communication that the spouses can express their feeling to one another. You may think that your spouse is doing something to hurt you. However, after communication, you may come to realize that he or she had no such intention. Unless you communicate, your relationship will not work.

The other factor that can lead to problems in marriage is issues related to sex. You can attest that sex plays a major role in every marriage. A couple that does not meet one another need as far as sex is concerned is likely to have problems with its marriage. Again, there are times when women cannot have sex.

The decision to hire couples counseling Portland services is a personal one. It is the duty of the spouse to agree on the best counselor to hire. This is because; one spouse cannot attend the session to present the other. The online channel can be of assistant in finding the best counselor.

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