mardi 22 juillet 2014

An Understanding Of African Ministries

By Sharron Cantu

Africa as a continent has currently 54 nations and is acknowledged as the most densely inhabited continent. Its status also includes a couple of countries at war, massive unemployment, poverty including problems linked with low development elsewhere in this world. However its inhabitants being very religious due to years of evangelism activity reflected in the large number of Clerical African Ministries in the continent that play huge roles in solving some of the said problems.

The two main categories of ministries found in Africa are the religion related and the government based. Both kinds of ministries are different mainly due to their structures of leadership and the kinds of roles they are meant to perform. These organizations in Africa play a significant role in spearheading development in various sectors and thus have their work interdependent on each other.

The two types of ministries differ in a number of ways. These variances are such as leadership structures where a church ministry are led by clergy men while government type are led by elected leaders and while the structure of church allows for direct involvement with the society the government ministry structure is more disconnected from the community. Individually they perform different roles.

These organizations in government play legally defined and very public roles normally formed through legislation. The roles they play comprise of redistribution of resources justly, management of development projects, providing citizens with security in addition to quality medical services. It is important that they ensure service provision is free and fair.

Church ministry has various diverse roles assigned to each depending on the aim of the church. The common ones include offering a voice for the community to be heard, partnering with international donors, and financial administration of aid to local groups in addition to assisting in development of regions. The activities however consider the law of the land.

The roles given to denominational based could be grouped into two, either development roles or religious duties. The development roles include being a voice to the community i. E. Airing the various needs of the people, working hand in hand with various organizations to acquire funds and finally to administer them to individuals in form of aid to individuals and self-help groups. The religious roles of this ministry include spreading their religions and converting people into believers, conducting prayers and offering training to new religious leaders.

Work done by religious organizations to transform lives of a community can be religious based or development based. Religiously they involve spreading Christianity to new areas, offering prayers and hope to the sick and also training local religious leaders. Development wise they construct schools, mission hospitals, housing complexes and offering bursary opportunities to kids. They assist in areas where the governments fail to reach.

There are trials experienced by both categories of evangelism in provision of services. Some of these difficulties include tireless fights and conflicts, cultural practices resistant to faith and law, corruption among local leaders and many more. Nevertheless, the work done by the various holy orders is increasingly being appreciated and therefore cannot be overlooked or over ruled but be encouraged for an end to all the suffering.

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