vendredi 2 août 2013

The Research On Turban Wrapping

By Lela Perkins

Study on turban wrapping was conducted by people to find out more about scarfs. Scarfs have been in use for a long period of time where there are no people who have not seen them. A bigger number of people have even used the scarfs in their lives for some reasons. Scarfs have many advantages and uses but people use them for different purpose. They all have different colors and the design too.

When one get to be informed on turban wrapping they understand that they are always expected to be more on different issues even if they may seem not necessarily. Other scarfs are used specifically for the purpose of the religion. Taking into consideration of the Christian believers, there are those people who believe that women should always cover their heads when they are worshiping.

People from Arab lands have broken the record of being used to rolling their scarfs on their heads. All people irrespective of age use the turban. This is said to be after some religious believe. They teach young people to how to roll their scarfs on their heads for free. From their religion they believe that no one should see the other persons hair since it is their purity.

However, the same people are can use different scarfs when it is not really cold. Sometimes the weather may get cold but the winter may be out. The scarfs used such a time are different less warm but still with some warmth. The scarfs that are used for winter are heavier than any other scarf. Some clothes are made with their own scarfs. One may have bought a cardigan with a scarf attached to it. These scarfs are made to be always worn by specific group of people who most of the times are in uniforms.

The scarfs are worn to show or as a symbol of something. In the Arabic land the rich always have the scarfs with them as a sign of wealth. People are able to respect them and seek advice from them. Other scarfs are tied as a symbol of supporting a certain team.

The way the teaching is done get passed from one generation to another. It is also inherited in the family. The mother teaches their children, and the children teach their children. They end up having a common way of rolling the scarfs. The female are able to only teach the female and the older male teach the male children. The scarfs meant for the male can only be used by the male while those that were designed specifically for the female can only go with the female.

The Arabs also have the scarfs with them as a way of showing the classes. The rich people in that area are well established by the scarfs they have. They get their scarfs done in a different way than those that are worn for religious purposes. One should not use the religious scarfs for any other function since they are said to be holy.

One gets to understand that turban wrapping is a skill with very few people. Not all people who use scarfs know how to tie them. Most of them tie them with their own reasoning which is considered unprofessional. They are asked to ask the experts on how to do it.Otherwise the criterion of putting them on is not complicated since most of them are designed in a method that simplifies the process.

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