mercredi 25 septembre 2013

Benefits Of Effective Communication Skills For Couples

By Dale Peck

Studies have shown that the number of divorces, in most countries are high than the number of successful marriages. Though a sad research, it is evident that most marred people are opting to let go their spouses due to different issues that affect marriage. Adultery is one of the major killers of most marriages. However, most of these problems have their roots to lack of effective communication skills for couples.

Factors that cause misunderstandings in a marriage are very many. If not handled in the right way, a marriage may completely break due to such misunderstandings. For instance, one of the main factors that lead to breakage in marriages is finances. Most spouses are not able to agree on how to go about sharing their finances among the different expenditures they are supposed to meet. This leads to misunderstanding among them.

Sex is very important in every marriage. It helps bide the married people together. However, some marriages have broken due to sex. This happens when one of the couples feels that his or her needs are not met as far as sex is concerned. Sometimes, such a spouse may not have the confidence to speak out his or her dissatisfaction with this or her spouse.

It is the desire of every married person to have kids. However, some people disagree once kids come in to their marriage. This is common when one of the spouses becomes much attached to the kids to an extent that he or she does not recognize the presence of his or her spouse. Actually, some spouses, especially women, divert their attention to kids and forget the importance of giving attention to theirs spouse. This may cause dissatisfaction.

Some spouses disagree on where to live. This happens when the dreams and aspiration of the spouses differ. One spouse may want to live in the rural area, while the other may want to live in town. If he two fails to agree on the ideal place to live in, they may disagree and even break up.

Every married person can confess that he or she have friends that are close to him or her. However, it is evident that some marriages have broken down due influence from friends. For instance, one spouse may have friends that the other couple may not like. For instance, most women would not like their husband to have close female friends.

It is important for spouses to be keen on the members of their extended families. These include parents, brothers, sisters, and even aunts. These people are good and spouses need them, however, they should not be allowed to interfere with the relationship that exists between spouses, in a negative way. Spouses should have their own space.

In case you are in a marriage that is not working, and feel like divorce is the only option, you need to evaluate how you communicate with your spouse. In most cases, you may find that the problem you are having can be solved by proper communication between the two of you. There are marriage counselors who can teach how to have effective communication skills for couples with problems in their marriages.

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