mercredi 25 septembre 2013

How To Determine If Your Teen Is Struggling

By Tim Frank

The phrase struggling teen is quite often one that we can't define. Many parents feel that their own child may be having problems or might be struggling in some aspects, but they hesitate to broach the subject with the teen. Teens tend to be less than forthcoming with parents in many cases. This is a case of wanting to be more independent and of building their own small society of friends and learning to depend on themselves. That can be a positive thing when it is not an out of control issue that prevents the teen from coming to the parent with a problem that may be taking place. Usually one or more indicating factors stand out that will finally cause them to have a conversation with the teen about their outlook or their problems.

How will you as a parent know if your teen is struggling in some way? The term struggling teen typically brings with it some warning signs that you as a parent can see and determine your teen may have a problem.

When your teen's behavior changes and he wants to be isolated and withdraws from those around him, this is a warning sign that he is having problems. This is especially the case if he has always been an outgoing person. Unfortunately, he will start to act differently and he cannot tell you what he is feeling. He might get the feeling that he is not able to achieve his dreams or he does not have the ability to handle things that life throws at him. He will not want to be a part of the family or even society. He will ignore all kinds of communication with everyone, even the type that is very friendly.

Going against or questioning authority is another sign. Teens are normally very unruly and rebellious individuals, but when this gets out of hand, it can become a huge problem. They have problems with all types of authority, no matter how little it might be. For example, they refuse to do their homework correctly or pass notes in class. Any teen that does things like this just once may have difficulties making good decisions once he gets older.

Running away from home is also another red flag that there is a serious problem. This can be seen when they run away or ignore a simple curfew. Running away is the result of perceived unhappiness. They run away, but they are actually running towards something in particular. They are also running away from parents who are not helping them with their problem. Behavior like this must be handled before things get out of hand and too much damage is done. There are a lot of teens who run away and this never leads to anything good.

It your child is becoming more and more anti social and you are doing nothing to help him, then he is probably a struggling teen.

The teen years are when most of their attachments are formed and when children learn how to make lifelong commitments, how to form friendships and how to cope with day to day stress. It is imperative that these lessons are well learned and that problem behaviors which are entered into are addressed.

If your child is becoming more and more withdrawn, more rebellious and is having a difficult time forming lasting friendships, there is a good chance that you need to have some kind of support help to modify the behavior of the teen, as well as in some cases to modify and support the parents in their own parenting skills.

The best thing to do is to deal with these problems now so that your teen can flourish in life.

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