mardi 19 novembre 2013

Christian Outreach Ministries To Win Souls To God

By Bonnie Contreras

Reaching out to people with the message of the Kingdom of God is not an easy task for the Christian Outreach Ministries. The general truth is that so many people out there are yet to hear the message of the cross that can set them free from bondage of evil. The church must assume the responsibility of taking the Gospel to these people, explaining to them about Christ and opening to them the truth about the kingdom of God.

The journey to bring souls back to Christ and to renew the relationship between God and man is not an easy one. Since the time of the disciples, the Kingdom of God continues to suffer violence and the violent are the only ones to take it by force. Saving souls is a fierce battle, a war between Satan and God fearing humankind.

Knowing perfectly well that preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God would be a great challenge, Jesus asks His disciples not to worry because He will be with them. In an attempt to address the great commission, He tells the disciples that He would be with them until the very last day. The last day will be the second coming of Christ and the accession of the body of Christ.

The first thing you must do is to pray to God to help you and your group to stay focus in His service for His own glory. In as much as you may want to pray on your own it would be wise to gather a group of volunteers for prayers. You cannot rely on your own prayers and strength in a bigger mission such as this one.

Submit your desires to God, ask Him what you feel then pray to Him to show you the right direction; lead you to His very own will. Ask yourself how you are going to represent Jesus out there and share with your team and get to know what they think about the same. Ask them to share their views on how they would share the love of Christ to people out there.

You need to know your target area and once identified, use various forms of communication to welcome people from different parts of the surrounding to the meeting. You may need some financial support and in this case, discuss with your group and other volunteers how you will raise the funds for the ministry. You can also approach your pastor and or the church board and request them for support in raining funds required for the outreach program.

The next thing would be to know the people you are targeting and where you are going to hold your meetings. The other fundamental is how to go about welcoming people to the meeting. For this reason, identify the best medium to use to reach the message out so that people know about your meeting calls and attend in large numbers.

The Christian Outreach Ministries leaders should encourage the members in the team to stay strong and always expect positive results. It is not going to be easy all through. However, with prayers, persistence and continued support from the church, many souls will definitely come to Christ

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