mardi 26 novembre 2013

The Insanity Of Organic Gardening

By Jeff Heller

Has another guy stolen your girlfriend? Has your girlfriend left you for someone else and you're feeling pretty poor about your chances of winning her back. Maybe he has more money than you, dresses better than you, acts cooler than you or is more handsome than you. None of this matters though and you need to know that in your heart.

While you might think that most women go after the handsome, rich guys, the truth is often something completely different. What most women find attractive is a guy that can make them feel those romantic feelings that every women wants to feel. This doesn't take money, a handsome face or a muscular body. This takes being a little creative as well as being genuine. This means being yourself.

If you want to improve your mood quickly, try some laughter therapy. Laughing can help you to feel better about life even if you are laughing about something external to you and your life. Funny movies or visiting a comedy club might be in order if you look in the mirror and have a difficult time smiling. If you just don't want to go out in public, which is common when you're depressed, rent a few good movies, curl up on the couch with some good comfort food and prepare yourself for a night of laughter. Search for some funny videos online and take your mind off of your troubles.

People are going to think that you're crazy for spending you free time gardening. When you tell them how much you save on your grocery bill they will reply that your time would be better spent working to supplement your income rather than growing your own food. The satisfaction of producing your own food simply can't be matched though. Knowing that you are not dependent upon a supermarket for the majority of your food gives you a feeling of satisfaction. Eating a meal during the winter that consists of food that you grew during the summer can't be matched. Feeling self-sufficient is a desire that many of us instictively have as part of who we are even if it's something that we don't express often or think about every day. Even a taste of being just a little bit self-sufficient gives us a good feeling.

You can create that same kind of connection. You had that connection with her at one time. Sure, things went a little sideways in your relationship and it's quite possible that at this point she isn't talking with you but all that can change. You can turn things around and get that second chance. You can move her emotionally and help her to come to the conclusion all on her own that you're the best thing that ever happened to her. You can show her that you're a great guy, her best friend in the world and the one that truly makes her happy.

Getting back together with someone that you truly love can be a stressful ordeal. Most people spend months working against themselves before they finally snap out of it and start doing things that are productive. You can get back together with your ex more quickly by skipping this destructive period and throwing yourself headlong into doing things that are going to help you. You'll shorten the amount of time you spend alone by rebuilding yourself and your life into something that your ex will be proud to be a part of. Think about it and remember to be positive and optimistic about your ability to get back together with your ex.

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