mardi 31 décembre 2013

How To Approach A Girl You Like?

By Leonard Calvin

Are you someone who gets nervous easily when you see a beautiful woman and have no idea how to go about approaching that girl you like? This is a very common reaction that most men have, and it is certainly possible to get over this nervousness if you know exactly how to approach. Most men do not have the nerves the approach the girl they like and even if they do, have no idea how to proceed after even after starting up a conversation with the girl. In this article, I will share you some key tips that will make sure you make a successful approach every time.

1. Find a Way to Exit Quickly after Approaching

Most men like to stick around the girl they first approach, but this is a huge mistake that most men, including myself, made in our first approaches. During the first few minutes of your interaction, you need to make sure you have limited time for conversation and it limits the potential number of mistakes that you make. This means that you should be able to find a reason to keep the first time approach short and quick. This will prevent you from making some obvious mistakes that could ruin your chance with her.

2. What Then Should You Do When You Approach a Girl You Like?

Asking or giving too much information on the first time you are approaching a girl might make her uncomfortable. Remember that you are a stranger to her. In that case, you should ask for her contact information like her phone number. The conversation should be short as it is only meant for introductions. After getting her contact details, you should make yourself scarce and seem like you are needed somewhere else. Hanging around her for hours, will portray a negative image on your part. In that case, you should show her that you have other things in your life apart from that. However, you should call her later to show her that you are interested.

Avoid openly making your intentions known

Avoid hinting at her romantically or sexually on that first approach. Most men think that they should let the woman know right on that first approach, but this is usually bad timing. Examples of such mistakes are asking her for a date right away, asking her if she is attached or just trying to convince her that they are the right guy for her. Worse still, some take it even further by trying to tell the girl how wonderful the date is going to be, what they'll be doing when the girl has no desire to hear those things right when you have just approached.

3b. Mistake #2 of Approaching: Not Dressing Right

Another thing to keep in mind is that it is absolutely essential that your dress sense is in tip-top condition when you approach the girl you like. Of course, there is no need to look completely dressed up whenever you approach, but just make sure you are not looking too messy. Wearing fitting clothes is important, and avoid wearing too flashy items. You should be neat and well groomed for the approach, and then go out there and practice until you succeed. Once you have these tips down, have a little visualization exercise of how your whole approach will work, and then go out there and execute it!

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