samedi 28 décembre 2013

Some Effective Communication Skills For Couples

By Harriett Crosby

It these times of busy work schedules, many couples are expressing their discontent with the developments in their love life. In any relationship, intimacy will only be possible if the involved parties take time to grasp effective communication skills for couples. At the heart of most relationship problems are misconceptions about the very essence of communication in a marriage.

Strictly speaking, communication should be a two way affair in which individuals try to share feelings and ideas while at the same time trying to view things from the perspective of their partners. The good thing with this kind of contact is that the skills required can be practiced and perfected over time. Never approach a conversation with the presumption that you are right ad your partner is wrong.

Even if you are giving a listening ear, never push your real emotions under the carpet in a bid to please your partner. Every person will naturally have a differing opinion about any topic being discussed and this fact must be respected at all times. If a costly mistake has been made, do not waste time trying to blame each other, suggest what you as an individual could have done to avoid it.

Most arguments in marriage arise simply because a spouse misunderstood the other half. The most successful conversationalists have earned their respect y dedicating more resources to the listening process. Eye contact is paramount, as long as it is combined with the appropriate body language. Avoid concluding the meaning of some words based on your past experiences as this gives you a standoffish appearance.

If you find yourselves yelling and shouting when talking, try calming down or abandoning the talk to resume it at some other time. Married life can be very stressful and a lot of personal sacrifice is necessary to avoid ripping it from its very foundation. This is because these contracts attempt to bring together two strangers with different background to live and experience life as a team.

Escapades at work should not spill over into the household, whether your boss gave you a hard time or fired you from a prestigious post. Your home should be a place of calm for two people to rest their wary bones at the end of a busy day. It is possible for your bad moods to rub off on another person if you cannot suppress them.

Practice o toe variation to avoid adopting a monotonous drawl when speaking with your spouse. Do not mumble inaudibly ad avoid shrills ad whining as it could e irritating. When saying something, make sure it matches with your body language as this accounts for seventy five percent of the message set across. As a basic rule of thumb, never utter insulting words or expressions because they cause more harm than good.

Silence when you are hurting inside will only result in short lived peace. Dedicate a stipulated length of time every day to abandon all else and reach out to a spouse. The above are merely part of the concepts spelt out to people attending sessions on effective communication skills for couples.

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