samedi 7 septembre 2013

3 Unusual Sex Tips Every Man Ought to Learn (A Girl's Guide to Sensational Sex)

Feeling like things are getting a little bit stale in the stack? You aren't alone! A recent sex survey of 1000 partners who had been together for more than 6 months revealed that more than 75% of women were "secretly" NOT turned on by their partner... and more than 80% had admitted to faking at least one orgasm in the last 60 days, JUST to get it "over with". Not good news if you are a man worried about fidelity, faithfulness and HER sexual satisfaction, right?
Not to worry! We got your back!
Here is a short list of 3 ways to create connection, stimulate her sense of sensuality and amp UP both of your erotic engines... without doing anything you'll regret in the morning. (although that can always be a bit fun as well:-) Curious to know more? Let's take a closer look immediately below.
1 - The BEST way to improve sex for HER? (start here)
Make it longer. The simple secret for sensational sex for a woman is actually TIME. And it's not because you need to have super human sexual stamina or staying power to impress your partner, either. It's because a woman needs 4 to 5 times MORE stimulation to climax than a man does, simply because our bodies are wired differently than yours. For example? The average sexual experience, from beginning to end... lasts about 7 minutes, according to most surveys. Yet, most women need a minimum of 20 minutes of focused attention and affection to achieve orgasm. For this reason... many women end up NOT enjoying sex nearly as much as she could, and we end up being sexually frustrated (and some say frigid!) as a result.
The bottom line? Learn to last longer in bed, and not only will her enjoyment of sex go UP, her sex drive will go up along with it! (the longer you last, the less likely it is that she'll have to fake anything at all, I promise!)
2 - Double up on Foreplay
Here is a very simple tip for men who simply have trouble with staying power. (the most common sexual "dysfunction" that there is) The truth is, if you CAN'T last long enough to help her achieve orgasm, the one thing you can do? Increase the amount of foreplay before sex begins.
Here is a quick fact:
Only about 20% of women can orgasm from conventional sex, most of the time.
About 98% of women CAN climax from the type of sexual contact that falls into the "foreplay" range of erotic experiences. (which are a bit more spicy than we can list here!) If there was one thing I would recommend to men who worry that they aren't able to sexually satisfy their woman... it would be to simply double down on the amount of time and attention you spend on her body BEFORE sex begins. (because regardless what happens afterwards, the chances are... she's going to be more than satisfied with the sex!)
3 - Last, but NOT least?
Communication is KEY for women and sexual satisfaction. Did you know that other than foreplay... women rank CONNECTION as the #1 thing that is missing from sex?
Talking to her... either in a loving way, or even in an erotic and spicy way, are BOTH things that women admit increases intimacy, heightens sexual desire and serves as one of the easiest ways to turn her on... without needing to be built like an "Adonis" or have the sort of staying power and stamina that we covered above. (although it certainly doesn't hurt if you have a bit of both!)

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