dimanche 15 septembre 2013

Body language techniques that may help you in understanding what folks are actually saying

By Daniel Dunder

Even when you do not say a word, folk can still learn much about what kind of person you are and what you are thinking and feeling. How do other folks do this? By studying your body language. The term body language alludes to the messages you send out with your body gestures and face expressions.

It's quite important to learn non-verbal communication so as to really hear what people say. Some communication gurus claim that between 5-10% of our communicaton is done through the words we speak. The remainder of our messages are conveyed through our body language, tone of voice, and face expressions. During your whole life you have been sending messages to others through your posture, gestures, and face expressions. When you were a child, before you learned to speak, folks were gazing into your tiny baby face, taking a look at your gestures, and listening to your little cries and gurgles, making an attempt to decipher what kind of mood you were in, and what you were attempting to say. And you've been reacting to the body language, voice tone, and expressions of the people around you all your life, even though you might have not been consciously mindful of it.

What sorts of messages are you conveying to others with your body language? Does your body language inspire other folks to come up to you? Or do you unconsciously warn them to keep away? Take a second to contemplate how you usually stand or sit when you're with people. What are you doing with your hands? Where are you looking with your eyes? Does your face express interest in the people you are with, or does your face stay a tense, hard mask? When you are standing or sitting, do you generally cross your arms across your chest? If this is your characteristic way of standing or sitting, how do you think people translate this pose? Did you understand that most individuals will unconsciously translate your arms crossed in front of your chest as a signal that you don't want anyone to come up to you? Only the most courageous souls are likely to step forward when you adopt this pose.

If you stand roughly, with your chest slumped forward, your shoulders bending, and your eyes avoiding everybody else, people are likely to decide you are extraordinarily depressed or utterly low in confidence. They may fear that attempting to talk with you will be an awkward experience. When you stand awkwardly, you don't project any sign that you are confident in yourself, or that you have got any interest in the people around you. Instead you seem like you are endeavoring to vanish. No matter how despairingly you want somebody to come over and befriend you, if your body language projects disinterest in others, it's not very likely that many folk will try to start a talk with you.

If some body language signals can scare folk away, are there signals that will inspire people to stand up and approach you? Yes, you can look much more receptive to others if you adopt body language that's open and unthreatening. Whether you are sitting or standing, aim for a posture that is upright and alert, yet relaxed. If you detect that your chest or shoulders are slumping, straighten up. Become privy to the way you are respiring. Does your breath move in and out smoothly? Or does it move with jerky little stops and starts? If you spot you are holding your breath, or inhaling a shallow, jerky manner, this is a sign of anxiety. When you breathe shallowly, you have to breathe more frequently, which can raise your appearance of anxiousness. Consciously tell all of the muscles of your body to chill. Use your abdomen to help breathe smoothly and intensely. Let the bottom part of your lungs fill up with air as well as the top. What are you doing with your hands? If you get nervous in social situations, you may feel that regardless of what you do with your hands, it is the wrong thing. Many individuals who cross their arms in front of their chest are probably doing so at least in part because they do not know where else to put their hands.

Stay conscious of and targeted on your surroundings and the people around you. If you find yourself tuning out your environment, you will begin to focus too much on your inner thoughts. This can swiftly boost your anxiety to a very uncomfortable level. It is crucial to realize that even if you're not talking, you are communicating. You wish to make certain that you are sending out the message that you want people to be receiving. Non-verbal communication is something worth brooding about, and consciously working on improving. It could be a tremendous tool, reinforcing what. You need to say, or could lead to confusion it your non-vebal cues are not supporting the words leaving your mouth.

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