mercredi 4 septembre 2013

Funny Android Apps Have Hit It Big

By Gloria Mason

Out of all the available software that people can find to run on their phones, it is the funny android apps that seem to get people the most excited. There are a large variety of various applications available. From apps that help with work and business to those that help at home with grocery shopping, to do lists, and various other household duties and chores.

There are apps that can take a picture of anybody from your phones gallery and do weird things to the image. You can make your friends look fat or old. You can put fur all over their faces or even add makeup to them and make it look like they are in drag. The best ones really do a good job of it and the image alterations look very realistic.

Of course, some of these really depend on your sense of humor and that of your friends. You need to have a friend that will be able to take the joke as it was intended and not too seriously. Otherwise things like this have been known to end friendships. So user be warned, you'll never know how your friends might take it.

This is especially true of a relationship. There are some out there that will be stupid enough to tempt fate and take a picture of their girlfriend and put it through the app that alters the image to make her look fat. There is no way that a female is going to take a joke such as that and think that it is funny. No way at all.

When choosing the apps that you download you really have to be wise and think hard about what you are going to do with it after you get it. If you get an application that makes people fat, choose the right people to do it to. If you get a fart noise machine, don't run through church blasting it behind the priest. Simple common sense should apply.

Then you have apps like a Moron Test or a Stupid Test. These are always good for a chuckle or two but after the first couple of times it can tend to get a bit old. You answer a simple set of questions and the app will give you results with some witty remarks as to your level of "stupidity" and then compare that to other so-called famous or rather, "infamous" stupid people.

Games that use comic book style graphics and programs that are not games but social sharing programs that use jokes or witty comments to get people to laugh are making the rounds currently. People enjoy these because it is good for them to have a chuckle in the middle of a long and rough day. They could be at the office all stressed out and then this comes along and brightens their day.

You always have to be slightly on guard for the funny Android apps because you will never know what to expect. Will it be funny or raunchy or just too stupid to entice laughter. Sometimes you will just have to give it a download to find out, it does not hurt to try. You can always delete or uninstall the application if it really is, dumb.

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