lundi 2 septembre 2013

Importance Of Punjabi Turban In Sikhism

By Kate McMahon

Dastaar, which is the name ascribed to the Sikh or Punjabi turban, is a symbol of faith that for long has been a mandatory mark of Sikhism. It may not be regarded as plain cultural paraphernalia. Rather, when a male or female Sikh faithful dons the head-dress, it ceases from being simply a clothing piece, but in contrast gaining unison with the head of the Sikh. Such a head wrap just as other faith symbols worn by these faithful have a deep as well as temporal meaning to the followers.

There in fact exist, multiple symbolic meaning ascribed to wearing of the hair clothing. These range through expressing self-respect, dedication, courage, piety and sovereignty. The reason however why all faithful practitioners of Sikhism put on the head dress is essentially as a mark of respect, love and devotion according to the standards set forth by their founding fathers.

The head fabric is quite vital to multiple religions plus cultures all over the globe. This cuts across ancient Babylon all through Western religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam as well as various eastern traditions generally. There were quite some strict instructions which were relayed to faithful during early practices of Judaism pertaining the putting on of linen undergarments while approaching the Holy Place.

Such significance relating to the turban is ascribed in various places of the Old Testament canon. Moses is reported as having set a turban upon his head, accompanied by a symbol of holy dedication on it. The Punjab have observed wearing of the special head wrap since ancient times. At a certain moment in history in fact, the important piece of attire could only be worn by royalty and other individuals of high social standing.

Two individuals may trade head wraps to mark lasting friendship of one person towards the other. By the founding of Sikhism, most persons in India, just as it is today, comprised of the lower castes, which mostly was made up of peasants, laborers and servants. A relatively good number of them were literally owned by the upper castes, who mistreated them severely.

Teachers and prophets known as gurus in Sikh traditions were very careful to uplift the trodden down persons within society and make them of equal social class within their land. Guru Nanak especially made his divine statements with this emphasis, seeking to fellowship greatly with those who are underprivileged in society. He held that it did not matter much trying to compete with persons in high places.

Gurus in Sikhism sought to terminate all distinctions by caste and opposed social stratification vehemently by all means. They worked with diligence to create a society subscribing to egalitarianism and dedicated to attaining the virtues of equality and justice. The head wrap is a way of expressing the gift of love as relayed by founders of Sikh faith. It symbolizes sovereignty of Divine order according to this religious conviction.

The Punjabi turban expresses love as a gift in the manner that Sikhism founders intend it to be. It portrays the excellence of Divinity over plain humanity. There are indeed historical records which carry the importance of this head gown to followers of the Sikh faith.

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