mercredi 11 septembre 2013

What Are The Benefits Of Fine Arts Education For Special Needs Children?

By Saleem Rana

During today's L.A. Talk Radio program for Struggling Teens, Diana Kon, Co-Executive Director and Hague Williams, Great Arts teacher, at Sonia Shankman Orthogeneric Institution, Chicago, discussed the many benefits of fine arts education for special needs children with host Lon Woodbury.

Profile of the Guests

Diana Kon, C.A.S., M. Ed., Co-Executive Director, holds a Postgraduate degree in Educational Leadership, a Graduate Degree in Education and Instruction, and a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from National Louis University. Prior to teaching at the Orthogenic College, where she has been for over thirteen years, she created the Therapeutic Day Institution at Kid's Memorial and worked there for 4 years

Hague Williams earned his MFA in Print Media at the School of Art in Chicago in 2003, and today he teaches courses in illustration, printmaking, photography, and digital imaging at Sonia Shankman Orthogeneric College. He is also the Junior Accomplishment Coordinator in charge of labor force readiness, entrepreneurship and economic education via experiential, hands-on programs. He has actually been with the institution for ten years.

What Are the Benefits of Fine Arts Education for Special Needs Children?

During the course of the interview, the guests described how the Sonia Shankman Orthogeneric University is a unique educational program for youngsters. The institution supplies a solid academic program, a relationally based therapeutic setting, and exceptional fine arts and recreational opportunities for students with mild to severe emotional handicaps. It supplies youths, ages 5 to 20, with a therapeutic and instructional environment that acknowledges their needs, while encouraging them to grow by achieving developmental milestones.

After discussing the origins of the orthogenic milieu treatment initiated by the work of Bruno Bettelheim, describing the kinds of students who enroll in the school, and defining the precise meaning of the discipline of fine arts, the conversation focused on the many benefits of fine arts education for special needs children. Fundamentally, the study of fine arts opens up a whole new experience for the students. Learning art helps them to establish trusting connections with others and creates a passion for finding out more about various subjects. The self-assurance students accumulate from studying fine arts makes them responsive to learning things related to art, encouraging them to partake in typical scholastic endeavors like mathematics. As a matter of fact, there is even a lucrative small printing company called Infectious Tees that helps students learn exactly how to make t-shirts and sell them.

By the end of their time at the institution, pupils graduate with an entire new understanding about life, and go on to college or join the working world with a new self-confidence in their capacity to know, act creatively, think critically, and connect with others.

Last Thoughts

By integrating the fine arts, the Sonia Shankman Orthogeneric Institution touches the core of the student's humanity by providing a safe place for them to learn the best ways to express themselves, as well as learn scholastics and how to function effectively in their culture. The amazing success of the pupils is a testimonial for the many benefits of fine arts education for special needs children.

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