jeudi 7 novembre 2013

A 4D Sonogram And Why They Are Done

By Katrina Wheeler

Ultrasound appointments are a very common thing for a woman to have when pregnant. Not only is it a great way for the doctor to check the health of the mother and her womb, but also that of the baby as well. Today however technology is improving everything and getting a 4d sonogram is a huge step ahead when comparing it to the traditional ultrasound imaging.

The traditional ultra sound is a 2d image. This means that it takes what would amount to slices of the picture. This is all that it can get from the data taken from the sound waves bouncing off objects and back to the machine. With the 4d models they bounce the sound waves around inside the womb and use that data to produce a color, 3d image.

The machine reads the signals that come back and from that the machine and its software can determine what it is. It uses certain information such as how long it took for the sound to return, the angle at which it was returned, the speed, and the frequency. From all these things and more the software draws a picture that shows exactly what it was bouncing off of.

The doctors rely on these imaging techniques to get vital information about the mothers health as well as that of the baby. They can see the baby itself and tell if it is healthy and if it has all of its fingers and toes. They also look for the movement to verify that it is moving healthy and they look for signs of danger as well. Things such as the umbilical cord being tied around baby's neck.

There are instances when the heart rate is elevated or the umbilical cord might be wrapped around the baby and something needs to be done. Without having the ability to look at pictures and images like this there would be no way to tell just how much trouble the baby is in. It has saved many lives since it has been invented and brought into the medical industry.

Being able to produce an image of the mother's womb that basically looks as if you had a camera inside the stomach gives doctors a way to take accurate measurements of the amniotic sac, as well as various other portions of the womb. The baby's health can be checked more thoroughly than ever before.

With this technology they really have an advantage when something goes wrong versus when there is a perfect birth. Whenever there are complications with a pregnancy the doctors need as much information as they can gather about both mother and child. Having the ability to peer inside the stomach and see if the baby is in danger of any kind can save a life.

The amount of uses for the 4d sonogram are almost endless in the medical field. Of course the biggest and most well known are those within the pregnant mother arena but other various specialties have found uses for the devices as well. Having the ability to see inside the body when you cannot see it normally is a huge advantage.

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