vendredi 8 novembre 2013

Being Pregnant Can Be Fun And Exciting

By Antonio Wilson

Finding out that you're pregnant can be shocking, overwhelming and scary. As you have not experienced this miracle before, there will be a large number of questions circling your head. It is normal to wonder about when you need to see a doctor, when it is safe to share your news, and how your pregnancy will affect your body. This article has some of the basic information that you should know.

Take time every day to relax and enjoy yourself and your pregnancy. Pregnancy is a stressful time, and once the baby is born you will have much less time to yourself. Take advantage of the time now to relax, meditate, and reconnect with yourself and your unborn child. Your blood pressure will thank you.

Make sure that all your doctor appointments are kept so you can stay on top of any developing situations that might crop up. The appointments are at important times during your pregnancy for monitoring purposes. Always show up to appointments to ensure your health and that of your baby.

If you get a headache when you are pregnant, make sure to stay away from aspirin. Aspirin has been proven to cause harm in both an expectant mother and baby. It is best to ask your doctor what medications are safe for you to use. Also, try relieving head pressure by using a cool compress.

Yoga is a great way to prepare for childbirth. This form of exercise helps with morning sickness and eases discomfort caused by back pain. The stretches used in yoga help cultivate the muscles used for birthing. Most pregnant woman find that they have less aches and pains and more energy while practicing yoga during pregnancy.

Buy new shoes. As your pregnancy progresses, the extra weight will throw off your center of gravity, putting additional pressure on your feet. This can cause both fluid retention and flat feet. Purchase some comfortable shoes that give you good support; they will alleviate some of the previously mentioned concerns.

When pregnant, avoid drinking excessively before you go to sleep. It is important to drink enough fluids during the day to keep you hydrated. However, you should stop drinking about two hours before going to sleep. This will help you avoid frequent trips to the bathroom when you should be sleeping.

If you want to know the sex of your baby, you have to wait until you are about 20 weeks pregnant. This is around the time that the ultrasound technician can get a clear picture as to what gender your baby is. But be aware, ultrasounds are not 100 percent accurate!

Changing diapers, midnight feedings and lots of sleep deprivation are soon to take over your life. Get your rest now and take advantage of this pre-baby time. Go for a vacation or day trip to do things together as a couple before a sitter is needed to leave the house together.

If you find it hard to stick to a healthy diet during pregnancy, ask your partner to join you as you change your old eating habits to new healthy ones. It is always easier to make the right choices when you have a helpful partner to support you. Both of you will see the benefit of eating more vegetables, whole grains and fruit.

Don't start worrying if you aren't "showing" your pregnancy for a while. Most new moms don't start showing visible signs of pregnancy until they are in their 6th month. Subsequent pregnancies usually show earlier in the course of the pregnancy as the body has already been there and done that.

Leg cramps are a common occurrence during pregnancy and can be annoying. To minimize the cramping you should exercise, make sure you get enough calcium each day, and finally you do a few light stretches just before going to bed. That should help you avoid leg cramps while you sleep.

Being pregnant can be exhausting because you are doing everything for two. One tip is to slow down and take a short nap whenever you can. It will be good for you and your baby, just to forget about everything and take a power nap to try to refresh yourself and take a break.

Congratulations! You're having a baby! Take some of the mystery out of labor and delivery by attending childbirth classes. You can learn about the signs of labor and how the baby actually travels through your body and into your arms. It's a great opportunity to ask any questions you might have and address any fears that have been bothering you!

Use a body pillow when sleeping. Many pregnant women have trouble getting comfortable when sleeping, and find it the best to sleep on their side, with the body pillow under the knee and belly at the same time. Rest is very important during the pregnancy, so make sure you get an adequate amount.

Meditation and yoga are great activities which can help with mood swings experienced during pregnancy. They are a way to let all of your stress and worries slip away for a while. You can have your partner or spouse join you, as well.

When trying to get pregnant, remember that it can take up to a year for this to happen so do try not to stress too much if it does not happen straight away. The stress can negatively impact on your attempts even further. However, if you are over 35, and have been trying for more than six months, seek the advice of your doctor.

Avoid exercises that involve lying on your back or lifting overhead. You could end up doing damage to yourself or the baby so it is safer to avoid them. Try to do all of your exercises in a position where you are supported. Modify workouts to allow you to sit down or hold on to something for safety.

Hit up the bookstore or library and get books about pregnancy. Being armed with knowledge will help you deal with all the changes that your body will go through and teach you how to keep yourself healthy. Pregnancy is natural, but the more information you have about the process, the better it will go.

Make sure you are educated about pregnancy. There are so many books and websites that you can read that will help you out. If you know what is supposed to be going on, it will calm your nerves, and you will also be able to tell if something is wrong.

Before you get pregnant you should read a book about being pregnant. This way you will know what to expect during pregnancy. Pregnancy books can also teach you many different things you may not have known about being pregnant. You will learn new things along with terminology about pregnancy.

There is a great deal to learn about the various stages of pregnancy. You will find that learning from books and other materials can put you at ease and give you the confidence that you likely need. Learn about the beginning, middle and end of pregnancy and any warning signs that might crop up. This allows you to feel empowered and take charge of your own pregnancy.

Finding an online support group while pregnant is a great idea. You can meet a wide range of mothers while talking about your pregnancy and feelings about pregnancy. Choose a group that fits your personality and remember not everyone is going to have the same experiences as you do.

As stated at the beginning of the article, it is extremely important to keep up with your obstetric care during your pregnancy. Although the visits might all seem similar, they are necessary to monitor how the pregnancy is going. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will feel more prepared at your next obstetrical visit.

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