lundi 4 novembre 2013

Reasons That Jack Van Impe False Teacher Accusations Have Grown

By Marsha Klein

Jack Van Impe is a very famous televangelist preacher who has taken lots of criticism for being a false teacher. Jack Van Impe false teacher accusations is nothing new to the preacher who has been teaching the word of God for many decades. He is known in many regions of the world, but he is best known in the United States. Even with so many critics, the man has millions of followers who look forward to his new teaching every single week.

This teacher's following has grown tremendously over the decades. This, in spite of most of his followers only knowing him from his television program that airs in every major city in the United States. Some other selected countries are also able to view his show that usually comes on in the middle of the night.

Jack Van Impe teaches his students some unique teachings that they will not find anywhere else. The main lectures of his teachings have to do with the end times when Christ returns. This makes up about 99 percent of his teachings. Even though this is a very important part of the Bible, many critics feel that it should not be the only focus and that a preacher should teach other aspects of the Bible as well.

He very rarely speaks about being born again, the creation of man in Genesis or the teachings of Jesus Christ. Occasionally, he may mention something, but it is very rare. Instead, 99 percent of his teachings have to do with the events leading up to the Revelation of Christ.

One of the main things his critics point out is that he is very good at twisting the Bible around to fit whatever it is that he is trying to prove. They feel that many people watching his show are ignorant of the word of God and that this man can easily lead them astray. They feel that this is one major reason why his following has grown so large.

Jack usually will teach his viewers by current events that are presently going on in the world. A very popular teaching of his has to do with something called Chrislam. He teaches that in the end times, Christians and Muslim people will join forces and create a world dominate religion called Chrislam.

Most believers of both Christianity and Islam see this teaching as blasphemy. They feel that there is no biblical texts that states this and is one of the few things that these two religions agree on. His followers disagree and believe that Chrislam will happen and that everyone else is confused.

Current events play a very big part in his teachings. Almost every Bible teacher out there will tell their followers that politics and world news will play out the way the Bible says that it will. Critics point that the problem with Jack Van Impe is that all he does is focus on current events and falsely try to fit everything in with his predictions of the future. Jack Van Impe false teacher accusations are expected to occur for a very long time.

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