mercredi 31 juillet 2013

Basics Concerning The Arabic Turban

By Lela Perkins

Arabic turban is a head gear that bases on cloth winding. Turbans have existed for a long time though in various forms. They go by different names like pagri, dastar, pagg, and dulbands. These names differ from one region to another and according to the language. They have various meanings and are worn by individuals of both genders and all ages.

Among some people, tying a pagg is mandatory. This is the case where the beliefs and religion of a person insist on tying a pagri. This in normally the case all amritdhari or Khalsa. The name khalsa is a Sikh term for baptized male member. Paggs are sometimes tied for fashion in which case they are designed to match up with the clothes put on.

The significance of these headgears cannot be underestimated. They are a symbol for various virtues such as responsibility, honor, self-respect, piety, and courage. A person who serves their society with total commitment and unselfishly is honored with a dulband. Such people become role models and noble figures in the community who inspire others into giving back to their community. They strengthen cohesion and understanding in the communities they exist in.

Dastar tying functions are rampant within some societies and they are conducted with a lot of respect. The ceremonies involve the eldest sons accepting to bear the duties of their dead fathers by tying pagg before many people. It is after such celebrations that the eldest sons are identified as the heads of their families. It is Northern India where the practice is common.

There are many different styles of turbans including nok, patka, and Amritsar dhamala. The styles are varied and wearers are free to invent their own distinct styles. Noks are the largest and widest turbans with very few wraps. They are six meters long and cut into halves before being sewn together. Amritsar dhamala consists of two pieces of fabric. Both pieces are 35 centimeters wide while one is five meters and the other is eleven meters.

With advanced technology, there is a research on making bulletproof turbans is underway. When this is through it will allow security officers who put on paggs to be members of firearms units. This will enable them to go into combat zones like the rest. Should the research succeed, then this will obviously take dastars to the next step and can have an effect on how people perceive them.

Several people confuse dastar wearers for terrorists while in truth they may not be. Such delusions are rooted in some people because they get spread by the media. Convincing people into accepting the other side of the story might take quite some time. As the misconceptions are widely spread through the media the only way out is creating public awareness on dastars using the very media. When members of the public hold the wrong ideas then it means that non-pagri wearers and wearers are in danger.

When looking for Arabic turban many online companies sell them at lower prices. They have all sorts of pagris to meet the diverse tastes and styles of their clients. These firms have consumer blogs over the internet from which they may be reached for more information and enquires.

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