mardi 30 juillet 2013

Speculating On The 18 Missing Years Of Jesus Christ

By Lela Perkins

The Holy Bible is the preeminent authority on what most people know and understand about the prophet the Christian faith calls the son of God. The New Testament holds multiple stories regarding his historic birth, accounts of childhood adventures, his teachings and details revolving around his infamous crucifixion, resurrection and incredible ascension into Heaven. What is not covered in this tome are the 18 missing years of Jesus Christ in the middle.

The details of his immaculate conception and historical birth are documented quite well, and there are numerous tales from his childhood. His later life, meeting of the disciples, teaching and everything leading up to his crucifixion and subsequent miracles are also quite prominent in the Bible. What seems to be conspicuously absent are the years between ages thirteen and thirty-one.

Lots of conjecture has ensued about exactly where Jesus went, who he was with and what he did during this mysterious time. Some ideas were gathered using rare writings from the era, ancient scrolls as well as books that were once included in the Bible but later banned by the church. Through these sources, many controversial theories have been conceived.

The temple event at age thirteen is the last biblical mention before the period in question and some speculate that the family began to travel to avoid issues with the church. He is believed to have traveled throughout the middle east, Europe and even to Africa, spreading the word and continuing his work. There are writings from all these places that document his miracles and teachings.

A controversial train of thought is that he did many of the things that ordinary men do. It is said that he was part of a huge family with many siblings and relatives, some of who traveled with him. The part that tends to cause the biggest issue with the church is the belief that he also married and fathered children which means he may have descendants still living today.

According to the writings, he continued to do deeds of service, perform acts of kindness and miracles throughout his travels. He had many more disciples than are noted in the approved scriptures and his followers were more numerous than formally reported. Everywhere he went he spread the word of God and taught others what was expected from them and how to live life properly.

One thing most accounts agree upon is that he spent his life working to promote the equal treatment of all people. He was a strong proponent of women's rights and spoke against harsh punishments such as stoning and beating. He taught that everyone had a responsibility to care for the poor and downtrodden and to protect widows, elderly and children.

Works of fiction containing many ideas of the events filling the 18 missing years of Jesus Christ are quite numerous. Some of them even claim to be based on fact, though there is no actual proof to definitively support these proclamations as many period writings are contradictory. This topic is certain to continue to be one of the more heatedly debated subjects of all time.

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