mardi 30 juillet 2013

How To Talk To Girls You Admire And Like

By Matthew Farrell

How to talk to girls is a major concern among men all over the world. Every man wishes to win the heart of every beautiful girl they meet. However, this is not always easy to achieve especially since most of them do not have the skills to keep their conversation interesting. It is now obvious that every woman wants to spend time with a guy who can make her laugh and feel excited. So if you really want to know how to talk to girls, then you need to learn to be good in your speech. Always choose your words wisely so that you do not say things that will put the girl off.
[How To Talk To Girls]

So what is exactly this thing 'persuasive talking'? Well, it is more like an art that is designed to influence or convince the listener into doing what the speaker wants. And, it's well said that artists don't do injustice to their job. You should show the inherent stubbornness that you possess. Do not let the girl think she is right. Girls do like occasional healthy arguments and that indeed carries the conversation forward. This is the first basic criteria to succeed in the art of how to talk to girls. The other most important aspect is to maintain that eye contact for as long as you can. It is a symbol of confidence. It defines your personality; who you are, what you are capable of. Remember, if she stays onto you with her eyes, move forward and strike a subtle conversation. This is definitely going to do wonders for you. You have to simply apply the fundamentals of strategic compromise. Do not give up on your main point, but do give her that little leverage to make her feel comfortable and accepted. Once you have mastered this aspect of how to talk to girls, then nobody can stop you from reaching the level of perfection.

Remember that you have a limited chance to impress the girl and therefore you have to make every second count. It involves understanding the best topics to discuss with a girl. The mistake that most guys make is to ask boring and irrelevant questions. Questions such as what is your name sound too formal and can make the conversation short. Girls meet guys who ask such questions every day and so if you will dwell on the same thing then you become another casual guy. The craziest thing is that these guys think they know how to talk to girls.

Being different is central to successfully picking up women. So you may find it odd that I'm suggesting you can start by asking a bland question. It's not necessarily the best way to start, but it works- unless she's a real bitch, she'll respond. Once you get more confidence in talking to women, you can experiment with more novel ways of opening a conversation.You need to leave yourself somewhere to go after that first sentence. For example, if you ask her what time it is, she'll tell you- and the conversation will die there. Before you open your mouth, think about where you're going to go with the conversation.You don't want to bombard her with questions. It's a casual exchange, not a job interview. Any questions you ask should be open-ended and phrased as statements where possible, so she has to participate more in the conversation rather than giving simple yes/no answers.Awkward pauses don't just happen- you create them, and you can learn to avoid them. If she has just come to the end of a sentence, reply with another sentence, rather than saying something like "I see" and then waiting for her to talk again. Neither of you will have anything to say, and the conversation will falter.

Let's delve a little deeper. I really want to give you more of an insight into what is involved and what it is that you need to do to overcome the different setbacks you feel are insurmountable.PUA (Pick Up Artist) training is very necessary for you to become a real PUA artist and become adeptly expert at picking up women.Back to the pick up artist lessons, the first thing you will need to know is that there is a 3 SECOND RULE that all PUA's live by and believe me you will really need to know what this rule is, as it is the basis of all things to do with picking up women!

Most men normally end up losing plot somewhere along the line and indulge in talk that will eventually make them look amateurish before the girl's eyes. A large number of men are made to think that they know how to talk to girls and that taking it as something so easy, but end up being surprised that the girl shows no interest in them and even turn down their request for dates.

However, you do not need to be a pick up artist to know the art of talking to the fairer sex or to know how to talk to these girls. The trick behind talking to the girls is in capturing the attention of women simply lies in knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it. Whether it is talking to your potential girlfriend or just interested in striking a casual friendship, mastering the above will do the trick for you. Here, we discuss how to chat with the girls in detail.First and foremost, even before you approach her, your appearance alone can make her want to talk to you or not. Dress smartly and do your best to look neat and decent for the occasion. Also relax and be calm. Feeling relaxed will also increase your confidence and reduce on the nervousness.Besides, one thing to remember in mastering how to talk to girls especially if talking to girls who are new and who is equally as nervous as you so all is square. Keep in mind also that action speaks louder than words so try to not only talk nice while speaking to these girls but also act nice.

Girls reject advances from men for many different reasons and I categorically state that picking up women can be so, so easy, but I am beginning to waffle and I hate doing that, so, to get to the point, if you are interested in a woman that you regard as really beautiful, there is every chance that other men will think so to, meaning that advances from men must come fast and furious to her.So if she rejects your advance, it may not really be because she doesn't like you or the look of you. You must accept the rejection and move on!Sometimes the excuse is "I have a boyfriend!" Well come on, it could be true and her rejection of you is a legitimate one. Taking it personal is being a wimp, be a man, accept it and again I say to you pick yourself up and move on. Remember I am talking about turning you into a truly great PUA and teaching you how to pick up women, or should I say how to pick up girls, depending on your age.

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