lundi 29 juillet 2013

How to Practice Safe Oral Sex?

  If you think that oral sex can be equated to sexual abstinence, then think again, as there many hazards attached to unprotected indulgence in oral or orogenital sex.
First and most important, make sure you have a free, uninhibited talk with your partner so as to exchange ideas regarding enjoyment through oral sex.
Many people are not aware of the risks associated with oral sex. For sure, you don't want to contract any kind of sexually transmitted infection by engaging in any form of unprotected oral sex.
Whether it is a mouth-to-mouth activity or includes orogenital sex, you have to make sure you adopt certain definitive safety measures to keep STIs at bay.
For example, you should use a dental dam to prevent the infections from spreading to your partner from your mouth and vice-versa. You may not even realize that you have contracted a severe infection until sometime when it starts showing up its ugly head by causing discomfort and health problems to you.
Almost all types of oral sex, such as fellatio or cunnilingus, have to be practiced extremely cautiously. There are safety options like wearing a condom or dental dam. But, even when you use them, you can never be 100% sure that you will not contract any germs or infections unless you engage in oral sex with a partner that has been tested for STD before and has proved negative in the results.
The importance of testing your body is an indispensable part of the whole activity of sex. There are many state-of-the-art technologies available in the market today to make sure that you are confident while engaging in sex. Once you come up negative in the results of these tests, you can rest assured that you are not a carrier of any infections. Hence, your partner can also be at peace.
Another point to remember while you set out to practice safe oral sex is that even though you or your partner may be using a condom or dental dam, never go overboard instigated by overconfidence. A blind confidence that both of you are 100% safe is not good for your relationship as well as your sexual health.
Recent studies have revealed that even a small cut or sore in your mouth can trigger the possibility of coming in contact with germs that can cause infections like genital warts or herpes. Parts like penis or anus are areas that can contain a lot of germs. Hence, you need to exercise care and caution while practicing oral sex.
The latest techniques like Oraquick Advance are your best choice to get tested for infections related to oral sex. You can undertake this test in the privacy of your home and know the results in a short time.


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