mardi 30 juillet 2013

What To Text A Girl You Like And Make Her Like You

By Patel Mambo

So, you scored a girl's number. Are you now wondering what to text a girl you like if you have never texted her before? What should you say in your texts? How long do you have to keep your first conversation through text going? How can you make sure she stays interested in what you have to say? Without a doubt, texting a girl for the very first time can be quite daunting. As such, here are several tips that can calm you down and can give you an easier time figuring out what to text a girl you like.
[What To Text A Girl You Like]

The purpose of texting is to flirt, build comfort, and be playful. Writing long messages that boast about yourself will not only not impress her, but it will make you seem insecure.This rules ties in with the last one. Remember, the person who invest the most effort into the texts is the one that's most invested in the interaction. By writing super long text to her, you are only showing that you are overly invested in her and that often comes off as needy.

Not only is a text like this lighthearted and genuine, but it will definitely bring her back to a fun time with you - and this is exactly what your goal should be. Once you build up more rapport by texting her this message, she should feel comfortable enough to talk to you more and see you as somebody more than a stranger.

Another goal of learning what to text a girl you like is to keep the anticipation and flirting going until you see her again. Face it: you will get into far less trouble if you text her too little compared to if you text her too much. Having said that, always keep your messages short and try to avoid talking about anything deep through text. Meaningful conversations should always be kept for actual conversations in person - remember that.

So don't multi-tread. Wait until she answer your first question before asking the second one. Just remember to keep your generic questions to a minimum.If the girl didn't save your name on her phone she might not know who you are, so be sure to sign your name at the end. You might also want to add a little descriptor of yourself like, "Joe from the concert."By doing this it avoid the awkward "Who is this?" text that can kill some of the momentum.Excessive caps and punctuations like exclamation marks and question marks can make your messages seem overly excited. This can come of as needy, so try to keep the caps and heavy punctuation to a minimum.

So, if you want to know what to text a girl you like, one of the best rules to live by would be to act like you don't like her too much at all. This will tease her and keep her guessing until she falls for you herself - believe it.

You must always have a purpose. Whether it's demonstrating that you're a high-value alpha male, building comfort between the two of you, entertaining the both of you, qualifying her to show that you're checking to see if she is the right girl for you (not the other way around), or simply arranging to meet up. If you have no purpose; don't text her. You're texting to meet your objective, that's it.

If you want to take things as far as possible, drop hints about your intentions. You can do this by giving her a pet name that will make her feel like you two are together. Naturally, it has to have some connection to her, so think about a trait or feature of hers that you like. Giving her a pet name will make her feel more connected with you, as well.

Another good technique when choosing what to text a girl you like is to use 'callback-humour'. This is when you talk about something that happened between the two of you, or perhaps use a nickname you've given her. For example, "How many favourite 'insert nickname' doing today?"

Maybe, you need to build comfort with the girl you like, because you don't know each other that well. Send something like "You won't believe the dream I had last night!"...then just elaborate and improvise.Whichever angle you choose to play, don't forget that deciding what to text the girl you like is both an art and a science. Your artwork comes in the form of improvisation and creativity; be unique and tailor your texts to your real life scenarios. The science comes from the formula of deciding upon your purpose for texting her, and write your messages accordingly.

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