lundi 29 juillet 2013

How To Keep Him Interested In Your Relationship

By Matthew Farrell

Why is it that a woman who seems to have it all - good looks, a successful career and great friends - can have trouble achieving a good relationship with a man? It doesn't seem to make any sense on the surface. She is kind and considerate; she is available to him whenever he calls and understanding when he has to break a date. She cooks him gourmet meals and buys him little gifts.Unless you are adept at decoding male psychology, it is hard to figure out how such a woman can't seem to hold a man's interest. She seems to do everything right yet her relationships always seem to fail. What is she doing wrong?
[How To Keep Him Interested]

Although men tend to marry women who have the qualities mentioned above, they prefer to do the pursuing at the beginning of the relationship. They thrive on "the thrill of the chase," and lose interest if a woman is too available. To give him the illusion of being the one in pursuit, a woman would be wise to play a bit hard to get at first. Here's how:Don't always pick up the phone on the first ring. Let him wonder where you are and what you are doing.Don't be instantly available when he asks you out. Tell him you'll have to check your calendar. And don't accept the date if you have a conflict.If he texts you or calls, let him wait for an hour or so before you respond. Let him know you are a busy, active woman who has better things to do than sit around waiting for him to call.Do wait for him to ask you out. If you do the asking, you will take the excitement out of the chase.Be a little mysterious and a lot of fun.

While guys may like staring at beautiful and sexy women, just these two alone will not make a guy want to stay with a woman. As you may already know, one of men's long-term goals is to establish communication with a woman. Therefore, being witty or intelligent will help you and your man establish communication.

Another way on how to keep him interested in you is by showing a guy you are confident. Men don't like women who are desperate, sneaky and needy. Men consider these women with such qualities as high maintenance. For most men, these kinds of women are hard to live with and are usually hard to please and build relationship with. And most of the time, they only stay with these kinds of women because they feel obliged or they are being manipulated. Therefore, be sure to make your man realize that you are a confident woman.

If you're constantly playing a part, and trying to be the person you think your boyfriend wants you to be, he will soon lose interest in you. If you want to know how to keep him interested, the key is to just be yourself and do the things that make you happy. If your boyfriend doesn't love you for who you really are, perhaps you don't want to keep him interested after all.o woman likes it when their man looks at another woman or begins to pull away. This can make them very insecure in their relationship and they want to know how to make sure that they keep his interest in them forever. How does one keep his interest? Its pretty easy actually - just follow these steps.

In the case of women, our love grows more when we're with our partner. The one thing a woman has to accept is that men deal with things differently but still have practically the same result. When the Roman poet Sextus Propertius first penned the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" in his Elegies, he was most probably referring to how men deal with romance. Let him miss you! Another thing: show dependence but not too much though. Most men like the feeling of control or the semblance of it. By showing that you rely on him for security for example means a lot.

Another sure fire way to keep him interested in you: Just as they need space so do you. As mentioned earlier, let him miss you. Have a night out with the girls. Go shopping. Resist the urge of wanting to be with him. Now this appeals to the more primitive side of man. They love a challenge. When he sees that you're not as available as you were at the start of the relationship, he slips into the puppy mode and tries to get back your attention. A word of caution: don't overdo it. Someone else might find your lost puppy and bring him home.

Probably one of the more common mistakes (that you don't even realize or won't admit you've been doing) is taking him for granted. Whatever happened to that sexy, hot and interesting woman he fell in love with? Just because you've been together for years doesn't give you the right to put on 20 pounds and go out in jogging pants and an old college sweater. Always try to look good both for yourself and for him.

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