lundi 29 juillet 2013

How To Make A Popular Girl Like You

By Wayne Chase

If you have your eyes set on a popular girl, then you will have to work hard to impress her. Since she is popular, she has the benefit of being the "prize." And since she is coveted you have to work harder to get her attention. But it is not an impossible task to get a popular girl to like you. All you need is a strategy that will work. Here are a few great ways of making a popular girl like you.
[How To Make A Girl Like You]

I think you'll find that there are very few tall muscular guys with looks like Brad Pitt walking with them. You will find plenty of guys that have the same hurdles that you have in your way, with a gorgeous girl on their arm.Maybe you think you're too short. Maybe you feel like you're not good-looking enough. Perhaps you feel like you're too skinny or too fat. I guarantee that none of these things are prohibiting you from getting a girlfriend. I hope that you try my little exercise and prove to yourself that it's possible to get a beautiful girl inspire of less than desirable physical qualities.

Have an "I don't care a damn" attitude surround you. Be open and playful around the girl you like and don't conform to social norms if you want to say something.You will also have to play some mind games here to get her attention. So when you see this girl, just acknowledge her and nothing more. Make her feel like yes she is popular but you are not crazy about her.

At this stage, there's a need to reinforce your mystique with spontaneity. Use spontaneity as your foundation to approach every conversation, moments of eye contact, and, hopefully, and one-on-one personal time. I assure you, this will keep her continuously craving more of you, and this is a good thing. It is exactly what you want to get a girl to like you and want to know more.Now that you have got her attention and have created a thirst of curiosity, you need to seal off all your efforts with creativity. Creativity ensures that you maintain this newly found kinship. Now, the good thing about creativity is that it works pretty much like a fingerprint. It is as individual as each individual. Don't worry about anyone else; you can bring it like you. No one else can touch that and this will be one of the key things she likes about you in comparison to anyone else.

The third thing to do is to gain the ability to talk to a girl you like. Learn how to use your voice when you talk to women. Keep eye contact and occasionally flick to her lips so that you can create some sexual tension. Get good at banter. Don't be afraid to mock her a little. Have interesting stories from your life ready and practice telling them to your friends. Relax and be comfortable around girls. Also learn how to be a good listener. Women love conversation. There are times when you need to build attraction through talk, but often times the more intimate moments call for your attention.

Luckily, girls are easier to read than many men believe.Much like us guys, if a chick is into someone she will want him to know about it. After all, if he never notices her interest, she'll never get that delicious first kiss.The trouble is that, just like us, girls are scared of making fools of themselves. She would love to tell you she likes you but she's scared of misreading your signals and having you laugh in her face. As a result, she is coy about her clues; the signs are all there, but you do have to learn to look out for them.

So how can you tell if she likes you? Let's start with the basics. These are the signals that every girl gives out, regardless of whether you work together or you've caught her eye across a crowded club. Is she looking at you and smiling? There's no better sign. Confident girls may maintain eye contact, but most will glance quickly away the moment you notice them watching you. Check to see if she keeps looking back your way - if she can't keep her eyes off you, you know that she's interested.

Be super confident! Do whatever you can to improve your self-confidence if you want to make a woman attracted to you. With the right amount of confidence in yourself, girls will feel secure when they're around you. If you can show that you can take good care of yourself, you'll be better able to make the girl you want like you.It's okay to be a bit mysterious if you want to make girls interested in you. You don't have to tell women your life story during the first few dates. If you tell a girl all about you, there won't be anything left for her to discover. Giving her a chance to discover things about you is one of the best ways to win any woman.

With the words starting to flow, she will look for excuses to touch your hand or your arm. Making physical contact with you is a sure sign of her interest.If your crush is on a girl you know or work with, you may believe this complicates matters. Nobody wants to be rejected by someone they have to see or speak to on a daily basis. In fact, fancying someone you're friendly with puts you in a great position; you will already have proven to her that you're a good guy, and your close contact gives you plenty of opportunities to figure out if she's interested in you.

Before you even go out, you have to make sure that you can be confident about the way you look in case you meet an attractive woman at your destination. If you have to make a decision between being ten minutes late for a date 'coz you had to take a shower and arriving there on time in your work clothes, by all means be late. Any woman will appreciate the fact that you took time to look presentable. When spending time with a woman, your clothes should be clean and well-pressed and you should make sure that you do not give off any unpleasant body odour. It would also help if you spent time at the gym on a regular basis.

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