jeudi 25 juillet 2013

Does Income Affect How Interracial Couples Are Viewed?

Expert Author T. GianelliDo interracial couples who appear to be better off financially get viewed differently - or better - by society than lower-income interracial couples? When an interracial couple, regardless of the pairing, drives up in a Lexus and walks to the restaurant wearing high-priced clothing and shoes that cost three electric bills each do they get viewed in a more positive light than the couple stepping off the bus looking slightly less pampered? In general, does money change the perception that society has about interracial dating?
Money probably makes people view couples more favorably period (e.g., Jay-Z and Beyonce) but does it make people accept interracial couples more? Is there something about more affluent interracial couples that makes people ignore their biases about mixed relationships? We think a great social experiment for some college would be to have the same interracial couple dress up with the appearance of money and then change things up to look less well off to see how people react to them. And then do the same experiment with a same-race couple to compare. Bet the lower-income interracial couple is perceived less favorably the majority of the time.
Now, think about the pairing. Let's make it a black man and a white woman on the lower end of the pay scale and a white man and a black woman on the upper end of the pay scale. Do you think money combined with the specific pairing makes a difference? Is the white woman in this situation going to be able to escape the moniker of poor white trash? Will the black woman be spared the title of sellout? And here's another interesting aspect. Do you think who views people differently is also impacted by the presence of money in a relationship? Are black women less forgiving if a wealthy black man dates a white woman or more accepting? Do the attitudes of white men change with this same scenario? Are they more accepting if a white woman dates a well-to-do black guy?
People just seem to naturally acquaint positive thoughts to things that are more attractive, and attraction is definitely influenced by money. Of course, that's not very cool but it's a reality. Wondering how many out there have experienced something like this. If you're a part of an interracial couple and you're not pulling in a lot of income do you feel like it affects how people view your relationship? On the other hand, if you're fairly well off and in an interracial relationship do you think it changes how people see you and your mate?
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