jeudi 25 juillet 2013

How To Become A Better Lover In Bed

Expert Author Reed Hayes
Whether you're in a relationship or just having one night stands, your sexual performance is one of the key factors in showing women what you're capable of.
Of course it can be argued that there's a lot more to a man than his performance during sex, but the reality is why would a man limit himself. Becoming a sex god can only add more to your reportoire and reputation.
Let's get to the point. You want to become a better lover in bed, and you've probably been doing your research on how to do it.
By the end of this article I'm going to give you all of the hidden secrets and details on how to become a sex god.
Secret #1: It's not about you it's about her.
Quite simple isn't it? You might be thinking to yourself "duh, who doesn't know that."
The truth is that most people don't, and even if they do, their actions don't show that.
If you want to become a better lover in bed, your sole purpose should be to ask yourself how do I make her feel good. And then, what else can I do to take it to the next level?
Here's the result:
Sex is probably the deepest and strongest forms of physical and spiritual experiences you'll ever experience. By making it all about her, she will feel that caring from your part. Not only will she consider you a great lover, but she'll also return the favor many times later on.
Secret #2: Foreplay
This works every single time. If you're not taking it slow at first before having sex, then you're missing one of the key elements which makes sex so great.
The only reason I can tell you this is because of my own experiences with women. 9/10 times when you use foreplay the girl will tell you how great sex was and she'll most likely want it again.
How long to foreplay:
5-10 minutes. (10 Minutes if you want to make her suffer enough before she grabs you and takes control.)
Throughout this process make sure you never use your penis and kiss her whole body. This includes:
neck, ears, lips, chest, stomach, legs, vagina.
Secret #3: Try at least 3 different positions.
By doing this not only are you showing her that you can please her in multiple ways, but you'll find out what she enjoys most.
This will also allow you to last longer in bed, because it'll give you resting periods and prevent overstimulation from one position.
If you follow this advice as much as you can, there's no doubt that you'll be on your way to becoming a better lover in bed.
Another, obstacle that may come in your way is lasting longer in bed. If you're struggling with this issue read my review of 60 Minute Stamina to see if it's a good solution for you.
Interested in learning how to last longer in bed? Read my review of 60 Minute Stamina


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