mercredi 24 juillet 2013

How to Deal With Rejection in a Relationship

Expert Author Ray DrakeIf you're trying to meet women, being rejected is always a possibility. Whether the girl is nice or cruel about it is irrelevant. Nothing will change the fact that you have been rejected, and most men would be so disheartened enough that they will simply give up and go home. However, being disheartened is simply the product of a wounded ego. It's not productive and engaging in self-pity will not help you meet the girl of your dreams.
So today, we will discuss several tips on how you can keep going even when you get rejected by a girl you like. We will discuss why it's not the worst thing in the entire world, and why indulging in self loathing can actually sabotage your ability to attract other women. In other words, dealing with rejection is largely a mental exercise. It's not about changing your pick up line or having a better smile (although those are also important). What's important is how you structure your mind to deal with certain failures.
Having said that, the first thing that you will have to understand is that not all women are the same. Even the most well thought out relationship advice cannot help you if the type of girls you talk to simply aren't that into you. Even under the best of circumstances, there's always a big chance that the girl will not respond favorably to your advances, either because of personal problems or simply because of her own personality.
In this sense, meeting a new girl is somewhat like gambling because nothing is certain and you won't know how things turn out until they've run their course. Most women won't actually slap your face or make a pithy remark about your manhood (although that can happen in certain cases). Even if some women are inclined to be cruel, many of them also do not want to make a scene.
What most of them will actually do is pretend that they're not interested in you, while others will simply try to stay closer to their friends. These are subtle signs that they are not interested in your advances and that you should try other prospects.
As long as you keep this in mind, you'll be fine. Being ignored is not the worst thing in the world and as long as you keep things in perspective, you'll be able to keep going. Keep your ego in check and self-talk yourself to try a different approach. Tell yourself anything you like, even if you don't find them completely convincing, as long as they can help you deal with bad situations. Self-talking yourself out of a bad situation is a conditioned reflex.
The more you practice it, the easier it will become. Once you've mastered it however, you'll have an easier time meeting new girls.
For example, tell yourself that you're just not in the right place, or tell yourself that her friends are sabotaging your efforts. The goal of these kinds of exercises is emotional. You are trying to protect your ego. Later, when you're alone, you can examine the situation more critically, but if you want to be successful with women then always avoid self-loathing.
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