dimanche 28 juillet 2013

Interesting Information About Jack Van Impe False Teacher

By Maryanne Goff

There are some who call him Jack Van Impe false teacher of the Christian faith. It seems that this Christian preacher has a reputation for being a charlatan. He has made many predictions over the years, none of which have come true. Most people would give up making predictions with such a bad track record, but this man just keeps going on, making claims of what will happen in the future that never come to pass.

It is curious why other Christians get so upset about his lack of talent for fortune telling. After all, isn't Christianity suppose to be a forgiving religion. Christianity is a religion whose main principle is that God forgives those who accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Jesus said that he who is without sin should cast the first stone. Given this tolerance for human weakness, it seems hypocritical for others to criticize him.

Examining the purpose that religion serves in society helps clarify the point. Church membership is a unifying force that gives society a moral compass and emotional support. It provides an ethical code of conduct for living life in a meaningful way. Many find comfort and security in religious rituals and traditions.

The actual mythology, symbols, stories, and rituals are not as important as the social cohesiveness church brings to communities. When you examine the stories of any religion, they appear to be impossible fairy tales that defy that laws of physics. Some believe biblical stories should be accepted literally. However, it is clear that these old stories function as parables and metaphors to help people deal with the trials and tribulations that life brings us.

Prophets are found in many religious traditions. A prophesy is not intended as a literal prediction of the future. It is way to highlight important issues that people of faith are grappling with. Like the stories in the bible, a prophesy should not be interpreted literally. It should be used to guide a congregation's spiritual journey.

Certainly this minister knows the holy book in and out because he is known to quote long passages by memory. His prophecies are only one part of his work. The fact that the predictions do not come true is not a reason to reject his ministry. His work ought to be judged on all his work. One must consider his work helping the sick and the poor. His true value is revealed by the good works that he routinely performs with his church.

Instead of focusing on one man's ministry, would it not make more sense to focus on what you can do as a Christian. It is a sad waste of energy to spend one's talents on trying to bring someone else down. That time and energy could be used following Jesus' teachings by doing good works and worship.

Even if some people call Jack Van Impe false teacher of the Christian faith, you should not be swayed into jumping on the bandwagon. Remember we are all sinners. If God can forgive then you certainly can forgive a good Christian for their weaknesses.

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