mercredi 24 juillet 2013

The Laws of a Happy Relationship

Expert Author Julia Folk
1. The Law of Attraction.
We are like magnets - like attracts like. You become, and attract what you think.
2. The Law of Cause and Effect.
Treat your partner the way you want to be treated.
3. The Law of Love.
Love means acceptance, honesty, and tenderness, caring, willingness to give, and taking responsibility. It means reliability, selflessness and generosity. The more we give, the more we get in return.
4. The Power of Words.
Be careful what you say. Labels, insults, accusations create the soul wounds that are difficult to heal. They have a permanent effect. Use the power of words for kindness, compliments, approval and support.
5. The Law of Trust.
In a relationship without trust, one person becomes suspicious, anxious and full of fear, and another feels emotionally trapped. Jealousy is the fear of loneliness and low self-esteem. Trust is an essential element of true love.
6. The Law of Honesty.
Talk to each other about your desires, needs and feelings. Let know that you love and appreciate your partner.
7. The Law of Giving.
Love is like a boomerang, it always comes back. And the more you give, the more you will get in return. It may not always be a love from the person to whom you gave it, but it will still come back to you. It is important to remember that we reserve love for the future. We do not lose it when we give it. And the only way to lose love within us - is not to give it to others.
One of the reasons why people rarely experience love is because they are waiting for someone else to love them first. But, it's similar to a musician who says: "I'm going to play music after people start to dance." A true love is unconditional, it asks nothing in return. A secret formula of happy relationships is to always pay attention not to what you can take, but what you can give.
8. The Law of Touch.
We "feel each other" through touch. It's very important to hug and kiss every day. And it's not about sex only. When we hug our mate, the entire physiology is changing - reducing levels of stress hormones, relaxing the nervous system, improving the immune system and emotional state.
9. The Law of Freedom.
If we love someone, we need to give them their freedom. Freedom to make their own decisions, freedom to live the way they want, not the way we want. Each of us needs our own space. People have to be free in a relationship, because otherwise they feel trapped. If you really love someone, you need to respect this person's wishes and needs.
It's not always easy to give freedom to the one you love, but there is no other way. Practical wisdom tells us that the more freedom we give to another, the closer this person becomes to us.
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