jeudi 25 juillet 2013

5 Signs He'll Be Good in Bed

Expert Author Winny Kho
• Have you ever seen a guy at a bar and though he looks great, but I wonder if he can be as good in bed as he looks?
• Ever been on a date and wondered if it was going to be a good or bad experience at the end of it?
There are many signs that a man will be good in bed that a woman can pick up before they actually come to finding out. Many women would love to know in advance so that they know what to expect, and sometimes if they don't want to be disappointed they can know if they are with the right person.
Are they confident?
Confidence can often be a very attractive feature in mean, as long as it doesn't go too far and turn into arrogance which is normally a huge turn off. However, someone having confidence can do more than just attract you to someone. If they are confident in the way they act and move, then it often means they will be confident in bed, and a confident person is always better than a shy person in bed. If someone knows how to hold themselves when standing and talking then they will know how to move around the bed to keep you satisfied.
Can they dance?
This might seem like a weird one, but being dance is a classic sign of being good in bed. Good dancers know how to move their own body, and they also know how to move around other people. They are also normally used to very close and intimate contact with their dance partners, which makes them comfortable with the other sex and their bodies and this means they will know what to do when in bed and they will be able to move in ways you might not have experienced before.
Do they work out?
As simple as it might seem, this obvious sign does work. People who clearly spend a lot of time doing sport or in the gym are normally going to be good lovers because they care about their body and they are also in good enough shape to perform when in bed. It also is normally a sign that they will not be lazy when in bed.
Are they happy to touch you?
Silly things like holding hands and walking around with his arm around you is a good indication of whether they will be good in bed or not. If they feel comfortable enough to touch you in public then they will be more than happy to touch you and not be shy when in private.
Do they have positive body language?
Body language is a huge part of our communication process, estimated to be more than 80% of how we interact. If someone's body language is very shy and held back then this means this is exactly how they will act in the bedroom. If they don't want to stand too close to you in a bar, why would they want to get up close and personal
For more information on learning how to melt your man's heart and understanding what gets men all excited about their women, click here: to understand how to build a deep emotional connection with your man.


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