jeudi 25 juillet 2013

Is He Only After Sex? 3 Ways to Figure Him Out

It's a sad reality that every woman has to come to terms with at some point in her life, that's when you make the realization that there really are some guys who are just after sex. They might say and do all of the right things to make you think that they are really looking for a relationship, but deep down, all they really want is the sex and that's the main thing that is on their mind. Of course, not every guy is like that. There are guys who want the relationship. And, when you are in a healthy relationship, sex is going to be a part of the experience. However, you might be wondering if there are any ways that you can kind of figure out whether or not a guy is after just the sex or if he is looking for more than that.
Here are 3 ways that you can try to figure him out:
1. Try to find out a little about his past when it comes to relationships.
Of course, you don't want to drone on and on about the past, but it is a good idea to get a sense of whether or not most of his relationships were short term or long term. A guy with a long track record of really short term relationships is probably more about the hook up than anything else.
2. Guys who want to just hang out at the apartment instead of going out on proper dates are usually hoping that the hanging out leads to sex.
A lot of women fall for this one, and it is one thing that should become a little bit obvious. If all he wants to do on the first few dates is to hang around an apartment with you, then he probably wants that because he believes it is going to inevitably lead to sex.
3. Most of his talk seems to lead right back to the conversation of sex.
If you are trying to have a conversation with him to get to know him and he seemingly has a way of bringing the topic right back to the subject of sex, he is probably just looking to get a little action. When the conversation is pretty much all about sex, that suggest that sex is about the only thing that is on his mind and you can be pretty certain that he isn't really looking for a serious relationship or anything like that.
Copyright (c) 2013 Alexandra Scott. All Rights Reserved.

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