mercredi 24 juillet 2013

Do You Wish to Have a Successful Intimacy But Fail Time and Again? Learn How NOT to Fail Next Time

Expert Author Doron Gil, Ph.D.
It might well be that if you have had a number of failed relationships behind your back, you will fail again as you try a new one to develop. And even though you hope for the best this time, your hope alone doesn't help.
So what will help you becoming able to develop a satisfying relationship?
In order to understand that, you first need to understand why there is a likelihood that you will fail next time around.
Why is the likelihood great that you will fail next time around?
The reason is simple: if you have been failing time and again it means that you are bringing to your new relationships same old patterns of behavior and unfinished business from your past, similar to the ones which have led you to harm your previous attempts.
Although different people carry with them different "bags" which harm their attempts, it is very likely, for example, that you:
* Carry with you into your new relationship anger, bitterness and rage which you have developed towards your previous partner(s).
* Have felt abused by previous partners and are unwilling to compromise, develop a mutual give & take and/or accommodate yourself towards your partner's wishes, due to fear of being hurt and abused again.
* Have been cheated by your previous partner and enter new relationships with total mistrust of your new partner(s).
* Walk around with low self-esteem and "allow" your new partner(s) to treat you with same disrespect like previous ones - until they break the relationship.
* Feel you always need to be in control (like you had in previous relationships), not realizing that the control issues hurt your attempts time and again.
Developing awareness is vital to making a change leading to a satisfying relationship
Continuing meeting others and trying to develop a relationship with them will end up with the same failures as your previous attempts. The reason being, that without being aware of what causes you to harm your relationship you will continue behaving in exactly the same way which harmed your attempts until now.
It is therefore important that you develop awareness in order to understand what stands in your way. Often, if you are true and honest with yourself, you will find out that it is you who stands in your way. Or, in other words, it is unawareness that drove you to keep behaving with new partners with the same harmful and self-sabotaging ways which failed you all along.
What steps do you need to take in order to make a change?
In order to become able to develop a satisfying relationship you need to become aware of whatever it is that has prevented you from developing such a relationship it until now. Taking the time to develop awareness will enable you to understand what has failed you time and again, free yourself from the damaging "bag" you have been carrying with you until now, and become empowered to develop and maintain a satisfying intimate relationship.
Would you like to understand how issues you are unaware of sabotage your relationships and how to become able to develop a healthy, satisfying bond? Read Dr. Gil's book: "The Self-Awareness Guide to a Successful Intimate Relationship" Doron Gil, Ph.D., is a university teacher, workshop leader, counsellor and consultant, specializing in the interplay between Self-Awareness and Relationships. In his book Dr. Gil explains how being unaware sabotages relationships and teaches how to develop Self-Awareness.


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