jeudi 25 juillet 2013

Online Dating - Killer of Marriage

Expert Author Justin Kelly McClureObviously online dating has changed relationships forever, but I don't think we truly realize the significance of how so because we are living in these times now. Years from now we will look back at 'now' and talk how the internet changed the significance and sanctity of marriage. Not saying it's a good thing or a bad thing, but we have to honor the fact that online dating HAS changed the game of marriage forever. There are significant points that change and engender life as we know it: industrial revolution, civil rights, prohibition, etc. The aforementioned items have changed industries and cultures, but nothing has really altered love and the institution of marriage. We have to acknowledge that online dating, looking for love on the internet has truly changed what marriage represents to us as people.
No shame today.
For one, there is no shame in anything. Remember a time when there was shame and disgrace in divorce? Years ago there would be public ridicule and embarrassment if you got divorced, but now it's almost celebrated and rejoiced. Look at the athletes' we 'look up to' or politicians that are supposed to be our leaders. They are getting divorced, cheating on the spouse with the maid, or hooking up clandestinely with people they meet online. When this happens, nobody cares. The public doesn't shame them. It's almost celebrated, "did you hear about Tiger Woods cheating on his wife... that girl he hooked up with was hot!" It seems more times than not this publicity will help the athlete, politician, or celebrity. We hear about it one day and forget about it the next. Who cares, right?
People are Replaceable.
A lot of this has to do with the internet itself and what it represents. You can meet anyone you want whenever you want. If you are in a relationship and it doesn't work out, so what, just go online and find someone new. People are replaceable now more than ever. Years ago you didn't have the option of meeting someone so easily; therefore work was put into the relationship when you had problems. Now you can go online, setup a dating profile, and have access to hundreds of women within a 50 mile radius, but what about when you lived in the cowboy era? Would you get on your horse and go to the next town to meet some girl? The next town is 75 miles away. Your horse isn't going to make it, and by the time you get there the woman you wanted to meet would be shacked up with some other cowboy. You end up masturbating behind a rock. Your horse runs away embarrassed for you. This scenario would never happen, so you just stayed at home to work out your problems. You put in WORK.
People are too accessible.
Also, people are so accessible now. So many relationships, marriages, are destroyed cause of the access of people through online social sites and texting. I can't even think of how many relationships have ended because "I picked up his phone and saw a text from her", but that wouldn't happen 100 years ago. Would you ever hear a morse code to your guy "I'm coming over in an hour." No you wouldn't. It would take forever to receive and transmit. Technology didn't mess up relationships, but it does now. Our lack of discipline and self-control is the harbinger to these temptations.
Lack of shame in people and society coupled with the accessibility of people has significantly contributed to the demise of marriage. I do not see this trend stopping at all, if anything it will be amplified as we continue to live in a selfish and self-consumed society.
I'll write more later on this, but for now you can check out more ramblings, irreverent insights, and original observations about online dating.
Looking for love online can be serious, but making fun of it is seriously fun.
I'm Justin Kelly McClure, the Online Dating Critic, and I make you more honest about who you are online. Irrevernt, insightful, relevant, honest, and hilarious.


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