dimanche 26 janvier 2014

3 Easy Ways To Make A Man Want To Date You

By Sasha H. Peterson

Getting the attention of a cute guy isn't as easy as it might seem. Men these days are cautious and if he is handsome or cute there might be a lot of competition for his attention. How can you make a man fall in love with you and want to spend time with you? What can you do to stand out from the crowd and send him the signals that you're interested in him?

Short of asking him out yourself, there are many ways to create a connection with that special guy. While being up front and honest might be refreshing, pushy women are often a turn off for most men. A man still wants to be a man and you probably wish that he would approach you first. You want him to chase you. You want that romantic feeling that he picked you and not the other way around.

Not matter what, try to be true to yourself at all times. If you've done any research on him and you know a few things about him, resist the temptation to like the things that you know he likes. Try not to be someone that you're not. We all like honesty and it's much less confusing if things do work out if you haven't misrepresented yourself in any way. There's nothing wrong with you. You are lovable just as you are. If he likes football and you can't stand the sport just tell him that it's not your thing. If you like he's going to know it and you'll look like a fool instead of someone that doesn't enjoy football. There's no shame in that.

As far as those delicate questions that you might want to plead the fifth amendment on, honesty is always the best policy. If you come from a poor family or if you've been divorced or if you didn't complete your university education, be honest about it or plead the fifth. It can be equally as embarrassing for him if he accidentally uncovers something unpleasant and he makes you feel uncomfortable. Your strength is in how you handle it. You are still a good person and worthy of being loved in spite of your past. Everybody makes mistakes and all of us have a skeleton or two in our closet. Be proud of yourself and love yourself and he will fall in love with you too. It's called self-confidence.

When you are communicating with him, whether that be talking in person, on the phone or through text messages, let him talk. Avoid that temptation to spill your guts and try to impress him. Let him impress you. If he is asking question after question, stop him and blatantly tell him that it's your turn to learn a little bit about him. Once you get him talking you should be able to find out a lot about him. With each answer there is the opportunity to dig deeper into his life, his hopes and his dreams. Listening to him talk will allow you to get a better idea of who he is as well as whether he truly is the man of your dreams. Letting him talk will also allow you to bond with him. Most women take a more passive role in conversations with guys that they like. You will be seen as different. Letting him talk tells him that you are truly interested in him..

Try to be as happy and optimistic as possible. Smile, laugh and be happy. While everyone has troubles in their life, avoid sounding negative at all cost. Women who are bubbly and vivacious are often the ones that you will see with many men chasing after them. There is a reason behind this. Men like to be around happy women. They're fun and nobody enjoys spending time with someone that is depressed or who complains about life. Even if you have something to complain about, laughing it off or being optimistic about the fact that things will make him look at you as strong and different from other women.

Flirting never goes out of style although it is quickly becoming a lost art. There's nothing wrong with flirting. It's not demeaning or fake. Flirting isn't going to backfire on you and it doesn't make you a weak woman. Effective flirting will be appreciated and he will get the message no matter how poorly you think you flirt. So, toss your hair every once in a while. Wink at him, touch his arm when you're talking and bat those eyelashes at him as you peer up at him from behind a lock of your hair. Flirting still works and it is probably the most powerful non-verbal form of communication that you have at your disposal if you are trying to attract that special guys.

Attracting a guy might be easy but keeping his attention is where the real challenge begins. The methods here will surely make him stand up and notice you but it's up to you to figure out if he's the one for you. Men are pretty simple and if you follow some of the advice here you should have any man eating out of your hand in no time. Practice these techniques on waiters, the checkout guy at the grocery store or any willing red blooded male and you will soon become proficient at getting any man's attention. Use these powers for good and not bad and good luck attracting the man of your dreams.

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