mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Simple Ways To Ensure Your Success With Your Dream Girl

By Andrew Tatiana

When you first start dating a girl that you really like, things can sometimes become more stressful than you may have bargained for. While you might be enjoying yourself getting to know her, the stress that you might be placing on yourself to do everything perfectly can become a problem. You doubt and worry that things are going to turn out well. You carefully weigh every word before speaking. You question everything that you do. You want everything to be perfect. When will this madness end and what can you do to ensure the success of this relationship?

First of all, try not to stress yourself out too much. Everything is fine. Allow things to take their natural course and try not to push the relationship along too much. While you might be tempted to want to clarify where this relationship is going, doing so could destroy what might be the perfect relationship for both of you. She knows that you like her. If not, then that is fine too. Providing a little mystery about where your heart stands often causes a woman to be more attracted to you. Even though women will never admit to it, they will chase after a guy that is a bit aloof or mysterious. Inversely, they will often reject a man that appears to be too attracted to them. Avoid the temptation to spill your guts and tell her how wonderful you think she is until you feel that the feeling is mutual.

Be yourself and everything is going to turn out fine. While many guys spend a lot of time trying to prove their worthiness to an attractive woman, it take a strong man to simply be himself. Instead of trying to show her how cool you are or how worthy you are of her attention, let her impress you. Get to know her by asking the right questions. Lead the conversation in the direction of her hopes and dreams. It shouldn't take too long to uncover who she really is and what she wants her life to be like. Women love to talk about themselves and as a bonus, you will be showing that you really are attracted to her because of who she is. As a result, the rest of the fun parts of the relationship will follow without you having to worry. When a woman feels that you truly care about her and she feels safe with you, the sky is the limit.

Acting nervous or worrying about things can ruin even the best laid plans. Avoid being nervous at all cost. It sends a message to a woman that you are weak or that something is wrong. She won't feel safe with you. When you feel inadequate or nervous around her, take a few moments to gather your thoughts. Escape to the bathroom after excusing yourself. Duck out and pretend that you're trying to find something in your car or otherwise find five minutes alone to pull yourself together. Remind yourself that she already likes you. If she didn't, she wouldn't be spending time with you. Don't blow it now after you have already overcome two of the three hurdles in making her want you completely. You have attracted her and created a strong bond with her. This is the time for you to really shine and not your opportunity to fall apart. You are the man.

It can be difficult dating an attractive woman that you really care about. Dating ugly women who are no fun to be around can be equally stressful but in a different way. Be happy that you have finally found someone nice and understand that this is all a part of the dance called romance. Give her the romantic adventure that she will remember for the rest of her life. There will always be time a year or two from now to tell each other what was going through your minds during these first days of dating but you have to remain cool and calm to get to that day. Enjoy dating the woman of your dreams and be glad that you finally found her.

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