mercredi 29 janvier 2014

What To Expect With Vasectomy Reversals

By Eliza Mendoza

The science of micro surgery has been practiced since 1910. It was not used for the process of vasectomy reversals until 1971 when Dr. Earl Owen performed the first one. Since 1971 the process has become far more concise and precise which allows for a higher rate of success in restoration of fertility.

Decisions are made to have vasectomies when couples have had as many children as they want to have. The thought that a situation may arise that warrants the need for another pregnancy is rarely considered. Many times a divorce or a death in the family of wife or child brings the need to the fore front of the mind. Some people choose to start new families after their older children have left for college or married and moved away. Another less common reason is post vasectomy pain syndrome when a man suffers pain constantly after the vasectomy.

There is no hospitalization necessary with this procedure and you are usually ready to go home after about four hours. Your doctor will determine which surgical process is needed once he has opened the scrotum. There are two types of surgery that can be used and both are dependent upon what the doctor sees when he makes the incision. The simplest one involves cleaning and reconnecting the vas tubes that were severed originally. The other is more complicated and involves connecting the vas defer to the scrotum, bypassing any clogged tubing you may have.

After the surgery you will recover quickly. You will be able to return to work in a few days if you have a job with little or no physical effort. You may have moderate pain for a couple of days and you will be encouraged to use ice packs on the affected area to reduce swelling.

The after surgery risks and problems may include infection of the incision or fluid or blood build up in the scrotum, which must be drained. There are also instances where the nerves or arteries on the scrotum have been damaged. This damage is not reversible. Saving the worst for last, a condition called sperm granuloma can occur when sperm leaks into the scrotum causing your immune system to react by creating an infected feverish mass in your bag.

If it has been three years or less since the original operation the reversal has a much better chance of being successful. The average is approximately fifty percent at three years. After a ten year period the rates of successful impregnation drops to thirty percent or less.

Most health insurance companies do not cover this type of procedure so it is wise to check the cost prior to making any decision. While a fifty percent chance of impregnation may not sound bad that number can drop perceptively under a number of circumstances. You must consider the potential of surgical complications, recovery complications, the time factor is a big issue and most doctors will offer to freeze any sperm they find while doing the surgery to be used for artificial insemination in the event your sperm are not viable afterwards.

Many men choose to have vasectomy reversals in their later lives. Their reasons are varied and many. The wisest of them check out the doctors they choose very carefully and give careful consideration to risks and alternative methods of impregnating their spouse prior to committing to surgery.

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